Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Lock Her Up

"I am appalled," he added.

Aren't we all, surely it should've been put in prison long ago. In the meanwhile...

Via ZeroHedge: We assume Schoenberg simply missed the following two paragraphs which point out that FBI agents, without reviewing contents, happened upon "thousands of emails" sent to/from Huma Abedin using State Department email addresses around the same time they know that classified information was sent out over unclassified systems.

Here's a picture of Hillary's exotic "right hand", Huma:

It's time. The nation's had enough of her criminality and vice. 

Lock Her Up. 



  1. There were a lot of classified e-mails on Weiner's computer. Make sure to lock up Huma Weiner at the same time you lock up Hillary.

  2. Simply locking her up is too good for her. Her crimes are worthy of execution. She should be put to death.

    But hey, that's just me. I tend towards mean spirited notions of justice. Me and Vlad the Impaler. And Ghengis Khan. I like being lumped in with those guys, truth be known.

    1. I don't think Vlad or the Khan would take kindly to Hillary, Fredd. But who can blame them?!?

  3. It's not going to happen, sadly. You need to think of an alternative....

    1. Jules, I've passed the matter on to our "ideas department" (LL and Fredd). Let's see what they come up with.
