Friday, November 11, 2016

Veterans Day 2016

Show some respect, Losers, to the people who served their country. On a happier theme...

Have a great Veterans Day.

God bless,



  1. Wow. Thanks so much for the link, LSP. In case you didn't know, I offered to sleep on the porch at LL's soon to be AZ place so you can have the guest room. It's what friends do.

  2. Happy Veteran's Day and may the change that is coming uplift even those weak souls who are being paid to smash and burn. The children who live in mom's and dad's basement, who are angry that their student loans won't be written off by Hillary's largess at our expense are reacting as spoiled children do. The shame is that in Portland, they are not arrested, charged with felony 'rioting' and locked up. Sometimes a spanking is called for.

  3. A blessed Veteran's Day to you LSP. The tolerant left are doing exactly what they were programmed to do by their Overlords. Had we been able to predict this election, we could have easily predicted the response of these progressive zombies.

  4. Portland is lousy with hippies who think that communism is the perfect way to distribute scarce public resources. Their city council is thick with hippies, the downtown civic associations are lousy with hippies, you can't swing a dead cat in downtown Portland without hitting a damn hippie.

    Let those miscreants burn downtown Portland to the ground. Then see what the smartest hippies in the world do, when their Starbucks is just a mound of smouldering rubble.

    Portland (Multnomah county), and Eugene (Lane county) are the reason that Oregon remains cobalt blue electorally, while most of the real estate is beet red. It's those dang smarter than everybody else hippies that are screwing up the place, and most of them were born in California, truth be known.

  5. Adrienne, that's so kind! But not to worry, I understand LL's offering me a berth (overwatch) in the Compound Tower. Rough, but ready.

  6. LL, I applaud your magnanimity. Isn't Portland slated for some kind of CDC sanctioned "quarantine"?

  7. Well said, Euripides. Hippies. What a gang of malfeasant thieves.

  8. Thanks to our Veterans for their service.
