Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Witch Is Dead

Sometimes it's better in song.



  1. NYSE traders chanting "LOCK HER UP"! I love it.

    She has to know that the train is coming down the tracks at her.

  2. That song needs to make it back into the most played songs on the radio.

  3. All we can do now is wait and see what God has in store for us.
    Be safe, all.
    God bless America!

  4. I listened to a bit of NPR news yesterday (my favorite gun blogstress encourages monitoring enemy propaganda), when they discussed songs used by both candidates at their rallies. Hillary liked strutting out to "Fight Song" and Katy Perry's "Eye of the Tiger," while Trump enjoys Pavarotti, and his musical jab is the Rolling Stones' "You can't always get what you want." They lightly mocked Trump's choices, but I guess the joke's on them.

  5. Plus, if the stock traders finally found some spunk, that would explain the recovery today from last night's futures shakiness.

  6. Yep, The Hildebeast got whole BIG bucket of water dumped on her....

  7. But will our friends on the left allow Trump to govern? Probably not. I expect war. What form that war takes is yet to be determined.

  8. Here in the holy socialist city of NYC lots of clowns took to the streets to protest Trump's victory.

    Remember a few weeks ago when the press was so concerned that Trump and his racist followers wouldn't accept the election results? Ah, good times. Good times.

  9. And Huma, LL... the first animal is jettisoned.

  10. Definitely a #1 Smash Hit, Euripides.

  11. Good call, Mattexian. People are saying that Jagger's playing at the inauguration, or something like that. Nice.

  12. I saw that, Infidel. The rainbow unicorn's a vicious little beast. Beware the horn and thudding hooves!
