Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Scorn Megyn Kelly

Megynne Kelly, who's angling for a $20 million contract and hedged her bets on a Trump lose, has published a memoir, Settle For More. Go figure.

Megynne's cash getting drivel has been slated by reviewers on Amazon. Here's a sample.

In a fit of free speech, Amazon removed many of the reviews. Megynne, who was once popular and attractive, has become ugly and is now scorned by ordinary Americans everywhere.

Who knows, perhaps the multi-millionaire celebrity journalist will find a slot with Jeff "I'm Not Corrupt" Zucker's despised CNN.

And maybe Hillary won the election.

Megyn, we scorn you.



  1. I certainly don't like her, and it was even before I knew how much she disliked Trump; and probably all men.

    A blessed Thanksgiving and a blessed weekend, LSP. Be safe.

  2. She's making $15 million a year now. If she wants a raise, she should go to CNN. Fox can hire LSP to take her place for $14 million a year and he's not an Illuminati shill.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Parson!

  4. Megyn Kelly and Barack Obama are much alike: they are both well spoken. But that's it. Honorable? No. Ethical? No. Trustworthy? No. I could go on, but I won't.

  5. I've never particularly liked her. Very full of herself. I saw a huge stack of her books at Costco last Wed. Seeing as how this is North Idaho, I expect to see that huge stack still there next week.

  6. Guess what smug Kelly? NOBODY CARES.

  7. Megynne's awesome "book", Grunt...

  8. "...and probably all men." She has that look, Linda. Well said.

  9. Looking forward to that press pass, LL. And Megynne's millions.

  10. I applaud your good manners, Fredd. Of course the traitorous, conniving, Illuminati devil witch earns a lot more than Obama. But that's another story.

  11. I don't think it's going to be a bestseller, Adrienne...

  12. Holly (BW), I don't see those books flying off the shelves.
