Saturday, November 5, 2016

Rest in Peace

I said a Requiem for a friend and strong churchman today. He was a good man, and I don't say that lightly, who'd fought cancer for 4 years, a brain tumor no less. 

That in itself is something of a miracle and, if anything, the disease seemed to make his faith stronger. Sorry, problem of evil "philosophers." Also, until the very end he was able to live an active life; I thank God for that.

I can also say, with confidence, that he'd made his peace with God before he died, which is no small thing.

So, may JA rest in peace and rise in glory. And all you many heathen that read this lighthearted blog, reflect on this. What god do you worship and what hope does it give or offer you.

The world, the flesh? With no thought for eternity? And what comes after those two objects of adoration. Oh yes, the Devil.

I'll resist the temptation to refer you to John Podesta and the ravening elitocracy that seeks to devour the whole world.

May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.

Sure and certain hope.



  1. Requiescat in Pace, JA. Reminds me of my old man, who took years to die of a degenerative disease but took every minute to get right with God and with his wife before he passed. God bless him for that and for not cutting that time short for comfort reasons. I have great respect for JA for the same reason. Thanks for the requiem, Parson.

  2. The pain of this world is now beyond his concern - and he went out on top.


  3. I was moved by that, Grunt. Thank you.

  4. May God comfort all who knew him, Parson.

  5. You got to say goodbye, no small thing that...

  6. It's sad when the world loses a good man. There are so few left.
