Monday, November 28, 2016

Melania Mondays!

One of the best things about the incoming Administration is Melania, and here at the Compound we're delighted to bring you Melania Mondays! A by demand (BW) new series featuring the popular First Lady in waiting.

Here she is, looking good in her famous "Pussy-Bow" blouse. Clever Melania!

Others, like the unattractive millionaire socialist, Rosie O'Donnel, aren't so happy and accused Melania's son of being autistic. Fiercely protective Melania is threatening to sue the grossly overweight celebrity  lesbyterian.

Who knows, maybe the lawsuit will drive the aggressively unappealing Rosie to Canada.

Yes please.



  1. I'm surprised the parents of autistic children everywhere weren't offended by Ms. O'Donnel.
    We can only hope that one celebrity will live up to their claims and move.

    Be safe and a blessed week to you all.

    1. I agree, Linda. But maybe Canada won't have her?

  2. You got me, LSP. This time, I thought it would be safe to look at your pictures. No demonic, soul-wrenching horror shows on a blog about Melania, right? Then, I flipped to Rosie. Game Over. Vengeance will be mine...

    1. Grunt, I apologize. It starts so well and then... BOOM. Rosie.

      Like an ambush.

  3. Hell, I'D drive her to Canada if we could ensure she never came back!

  4. This is a great and beautiful series and I can't wait for the next Melania Monday. She is fabulous and speaks four languages. UNLIKE some celebratards out there. I do wish they would stop banging on...
    Poor Rosie. #nobodycares (Ha. Ha ha!)

    1. Thanks for instigating this popular series, BW.

  5. I posted a photo of Rosie being helicoptered to Canada. I hope that it wasn't a hoax. Melania is a national treasure.

    Dr Jim - if you were to take Rosie to Canada, do it in a stock trailer. You don't want to stink up your car.

    1. LL, we live in hope. "Just get in the chopper, Rosie."

  6. Good parson...why are you calling a fashion styling a "PUSSY" bow? If the bow reminded you of cutesy bows on kittens on old-timey post cards and the like, you should have thought twice before using the term in a photo of an attractive woman. In this prurient day and age...think twice before "tying one on", eh?

  7. I'm going to miss Michelle Obama, strutting up and down the runway in her gunny sack wardrobe. Maybe she will run for office, win and then we can all enjoy making fun of her ugly attire yet again.

    One can only dream.

    1. Fredd, some say that Michelle isn't a woman. I'm not saying they're right but not saying they're wrong, either.

  8. Felinity - The good Parson is innocent. That's the actual name of that blouse in the fashion catalog. Named after the puddy tat.

  9. As LL has recommended, I'd have to rent a certified livestock trailer to haul her fat a$$ in, but I could probably raise enough with a kickstarter campaign to do it....

  10. I heard Canada might build a fence... ;-)

  11. I could see that campaign doing pretty well, drjim.

  12. Linda, I think they're considering it.
