Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Melania is Awesome and the Posh Challenge

One of the Team's not too happy about the way Melania's being treated by the progleft commie fashionistas and sent in the above "meme." Some of you know the sender as "BW" and she's famous on both sides of the Atlantic for her ability to impersonate "Posh Spice."

Posh, aka Victoria Beckham, no longer smiles in public after the Sunday Sport accused the celebrity of being a "Village Idiot." 

BW, can you do the "Posh" smile? The challenge is on.

Arduus ad Solem,



  1. And Melania must be so devastated.....

    I will be incredibly impressed with BW's visage deformity skills if she can pull this smile off.

  2. That's shameful to compare your lovely sister to Grumpy Posh Spice. That must be the Marmite talking. I recommend an immediate yeast byproduct purge with a strict diet of some good wild boar bacon (available at your nearest Cabela's) and straight Kentucky bourbon. #MarmiteKillsBrainCells #SayNoToEvilBlackJelly

  3. JS, BW says she's "on for it." Let's see if she's up to the not inconsiderable challenge...

  4. Wild boar bacon!?! Yes please, Grunt. Come to think of it, the bourbon sounds pretty good too.

  5. You can't fix ugly. That's the mill stone that Michelle Obama carries around her neck every day. You can't fix the manish figure either, but if you removed the male organs, it might help.

  6. Oi Grunt! Marmite maketh the man, ya hear! Come and hashtag these comments to my face if you dare! I shall make you eat your words COVERED in delicious MARMITE. # MyMateMarmite

  7. I'd forgotten about the "privates", LL. Urrggh.

  8. JS, I have to say, I'm a fan of marmite.
