Friday, November 18, 2016

Hot Chocolate Onesies And Kittens

In Safe Space no one can hear you scream! Anonymous

You're proably wondering, scornfully, "Is LSP capable of serious thought?" Well, maybe not, but George Rutler is. Here's the Upper East Side onetime Anglican on the discouraging "safe space" trend:

"Professors who never attained moral maturity themselves, reacted by providing “safe spaces” for students traumatized by reality. In universities across the land, by a sodality of silliness in the academic establishment, these “safe spaces” were supplied with soft cushions, hot chocolate, coloring books, and attendant psychologists. More than one university in the Ivy League provided aromatherapy along with friendly kittens and puppies for weeping students to cuddle. A college chaplaincy invited students to pray some prescribed litanies that offered God advice in an advisory capacity.

"The average age of a Continental soldier in the American Revolution was one year less than that of a college freshman today. Alexander Hamilton was a fighting lieutenant-colonel when 21, not to mention Joan of Arc who led an army into battle and saved France when she was about as old as an American college sophomore. In our Civil War, eight Union generals and seven Confederate generals were under the age of 25. The age of most U.S. and RAF fighter pilots in World War II was about that of those on college junior varsity teams. Catholics who hoped in this election for another Lepanto miracle will remember that back in 1571, Don Juan of Austria saved Western civilization as commanding admiral when he was 24."

Don Juan was twenty four when he took down the Moslem sea jihad.  Ponder that and as you do, reflect on the West's cultural devolution. Who will save us? Rome? Moscow?

I'm not a betting man but I'd lay odds on the latter. Then again, all the polls were confounded last Tuesday so perhaps there's hope for the West yet.

Sink me, a Guinea on the Monkey.



  1. Remember where to put your extra cash - I won't give it away here.

    I'm surprised that the trannies in the military haven't demanded onesie uniforms, and hot chocolate rations along with issued comfort puppies or kittens. I'm sure that it's coming.

  2. Is that picture of a "safe space" for real?? Seriously???? Dear Lord in Heaven!

  3. I was wondering the same thing as Adrienne. One of my LEO BIL's has invited all the safety pin wearers to adopt a Muslim into their homes...

  4. I'm sure the parents paying $66,000 a year are truly comforted. You won't find these in Israel and that's why they still exist. Benjamin Netanyahu is shaking his head with his face in his hands and George Washington would be in disbelief.

    1. Well said, Miss Hill. Nothing like a degree in feminist theater studies to justify a big spend!

  5. All these college safe spaces are so unfair! Where's my safe space?!?!?!? I want a safe space to hide from reality. And a kitten. No one at my school offered me a kitten.

    1. Me too, Euripides. And lest we forget, hot chocolate.

  6. Honestly, how ridiculous. Why do we think it’s OK to mollycoddle young people that are supposed to be our pioneers of the future? Adversity helps you grow; learning to face challenges makes you a more competent person. We are raising a bunch of spineless cry babies. How are you supposed to mature effectively without hard choices and a spirited competitive nature? Traumatised by reality? Whatevs. Good luck in the real world, kids.

    1. Nothing quite like a crybaby cupcake, JS. In. Its. SafeSpace.


  7. Your mention of "safe space" had me thinking of a circle whose radius equals effective range; and brought to mind, also, the fourth picture in the slideshow here:

  8. One of the advantages of being a Catholic in NYC is that I've had the opportunity to attend masses celebrated by Fr. Rutler.

    And yes, the west is doomed. But at least we'll be doomed while in our safe spaces.

  9. Is it too late to get a puppy for my safe space? I'd like to request a little Blue Heeler, get our household back up to a full house, not just two pairs.

    Interesting that the Polish Home Guard is self-activating. Yes, they were ruled by the Tsars and the Soviets, and if you go back further, *they* ruled over Russian territory. Folks forget, lands get swapped back and forth.

  10. I've never met him, Infidel, which is odd, considering. I hear his church is good -- must go there when I'm next in NYC... As for the west -- well, prayers needed for sure.

  11. I think you need that safe space puppy, Mattexian!

    Fierce crew, the Poles.
