Thursday, November 3, 2016

Day of the Dead

Every culture has its outward sign or symbol. The Winged Nike, the Imperial Eagle, the Cathedral, with its spires soaring to heaven. Even the golden glass tower dedicated to the demon idol Mammon. And the sign of our present moment?

Perhaps a skull would suit. Think of the millions of children killed in the womb, or the hundreds of thousands killed by our foreign policy in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan, or the constant, incessant, deathly way of life in the hollowed out shells of once great cities. Think Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, and on.

Not so happy, is it. Imagine all of the dead and the stratospherically rich insiders that rule what's left of our culture. The very same people who are working to destroy it for their own gain regardless of the will of the people. 

The stench of their corruption reaches to heaven and we've seen a little bit of it thanks to the Assange Publishing House in Ecuador. And what about our economy or money? Hint, it's all debt! Hedge on that.

Now the person who represents all of the above, its unashamed ambassador, has flies landing and resting on her face. Ask yourself what that means.

I must go, there are funerals to attend to.

Your Cheery Old Pal,



  1. A Smörgåsbord of deception, sadness and vile corruption. Nobody cares about the people. I don’t even know if the people have a will anymore. Goodness, pass me the Mandex, I mean Malbec. No flies on that.

  2. And to top it off, record numbers of dead are voting for the Whore of all the Earth. That should be an indicator of the impending destruction that will follow.

  3. It makes me yearn for a clean place far from the strife, on the top of a mountain - where the world ignores me.

  4. Padre, I come to you for all things holy. A bit of time a horseback, or on the range might help you past this darkness. Be of brave spirit, all is not lost to the dark side. Geez, I'm lighting so many candles before mass that father is looking at me with wondering...
    Blessed be.

  5. Looks like Podesta is a closet Crowleite. I seem to remember that the 'Great Beast' spent WW1 betraying his country to the Kaiser for money.

  6. There is a very small priory not far from me, relatively remote from the rest of the world. Some days I think I should move there and ask for asylum.
    -- breadandbullets

  7. That's a very good point, Euripides. A zombie election...

  8. Keep lighting those candles, Brig...

  9. Anonymous, I've always thought of the "Beast" as a kind of second rate occultist Oscar Wilde. And yes, something of a spy.

  10. B&B -- that priory sounds attractive, I must admit.
