Friday, October 14, 2016


It was worth risking life on the corridor of fame that is I35 to go to the rodeo in Waco. That's because the PRCA ProRodeo finals are sheer adrenaline up excitement, and a good humored get together to boot. 

A ringside seat in the boxes made it even better, right up close to the action, and that had its moments. Bang, out of the gate comes a pounding, bucking, ferocious bull. Rider, stay on that bull! And when you're thrown, don't get trampled to death by the hooves of the beast. No kidding.

Bronc, barrel, just look at those girls fly!, and bull riding are all high octane, but  don't scorn team roping and steer wrestling. Go on, jump off a running horse and wrestle a steer to the ground, I dare you. Regardless, watching the horsemanship and the outstanding quality and spirit of the animals alone is an event in itself, at least for me.

All this to say nothing of muttin bustin (sheep riding) and general carry on for the kids, and the way the event kicks off, with prayer, a flag ride, and the Star Spangled Banner. Guess what, no one keeps their hat on in protest.

You might mock all this if you're an NWO stooge, or a comsymp fool who's so far up the New York Times that you can't separate truth from fiction. Or you can see it for what it is, good, wholesome, down-home, straight up enjoyment with no side.

So thanks, J&B. A great night was had by all.

God bless,



  1. When you can be around the right kind of people with an American heart, it renews spirit, people have clean fun, and your battery is recharged. It was like that when you went to an NFL game once-upon-a-time.

    I'm envious.

  2. "Bang, out of the gate comes a pounding, bucking, ferocious bull.” I hope you don’t mind but I feel I may need to borrow this sentence for one of my stories.

    Looks like a proper, full on fun, good night out. I’d love to witness one of these.

    "Mutton busting" means something very different where I come from….now look who’s mentioning Wales….

  3. LL, I think that puts it perfectly. Big fun last night.

  4. I know, Jules. It's a very different story in Wales, even if we do get the same amount of rain. And borrow away, after all, I'm in your debt because of the boat. (thanks)
