Monday, October 3, 2016

Guilty As Sin

That's our Hillary! I hope the author has 24x7 protection, he just might need it.

Assange is apparently out of range, for now. But what will Wednesday bring?



  1. A more cruel punishment would have been to make Assange sit through one of her droning speeches.

  2. There are other things she could have done to him that would have been worse than being droned!

  3. And still, something around half of American high propensity voters still celebrate the possibility of a Clinton victory.

    She draws a lot of strength from the urban hells where nobody pays taxes anyway.

  4. You know, Pastor, Tomahawk missiles are accidentally fired all the time, willy nilly. It's possible the the Ecuadoran embassy could be the unfortunate recipient of an errant missile.

    It could happen. And a terrible thing it would be to the inhabitants within. Not that the old crone would give a damn, she never has before when people have died as a result of her and her cronies' malfeasance and skulduggery.

  5. I hope and pray that what he releases will absolutely and utterly destroy The Bitch of Bengazi.

    And that it's so powerful that even the lap dog press can't refute it!

    And then I woke up from my afternoon nap.....

  6. He has had the good sense to get the threat against him out there, so if anything untoward happens to him, we will all know where to look...

  7. One of the most anticipated Wikileaks events ever and it was a damp squib. No revelations, no news and just a vague promise of future releases. Assange and Wikileaks are not going to skewer Hillary - if they could they would have done it by now. I suspect this is more about Assange's ego than it is about Hillary's naughtiness.

  8. Anonymous is dead wrong. The dirt that Julian Assange has on the old crone will endure. Just like the spy thrillers in which the outcast puts his dirt in a safety deposit box, with instructions for the press release upon his untimely demise, Assange has spread the dirt he has on the old crone to another 1000 sites.

    The dirt will come out, oh clueless anonymous person, drone strikes or no drone strikes.

    And Julian Assange knows that it's too early to release the dirt now. The American voting public only has an attention span of about a week at most, and if he springs the dirt now, nobody would remember by November 8. Additionally, he knows that Team Clinton will pull every trick out of the bag for damage control, and they very well may neutralize the damage that the dirt does by election day. No, Julian is doing it right. Weasel that he is, he's no idiot. A weasel, yes. But stupid, no.

  9. LL, I think Hillary could be outed publicly as a malfunctioning devil droid and not lose any significant amount of her base.

  10. Fredd, I agree. It's high season for malfeasance, skulduggery and errant wickedness. Who knows, maybe a Tomahawk will glide into the embassy by "accident." I hope you're right about Assange.

  11. Drjim, nothing quite like a waking dream!

  12. Anonymous, I know what you mean, it was pretty underwhelming. Then again, Fredd has a point too, so I'd say the book's still open on this one.

  13. Are you sure Hillary wasn't talking about Bill?

  14. Got to disagree Fred. This was supposed to be a big deal. It was not. I think there is more than enough evidence already out there to see how rotten the Clinton's are. Assange probably has more dirt, but he has no smoking gun and he knows it. The election is 35 days away so time is short, a web based news source often will report a story a month before the print media. A story will take a month to sink into the public consciousness. So, if Marilyn had the goodies he would have gone for it, he hasn't so he is simply taunting Hillary. No self-respecting Weasel is going to lock himself in a room with a Sun lamp for four years.
