Sunday, October 16, 2016

A Curious Invitation

Thanks to our hardworking London Bureau, Team LSP is able to present you with a flyer to a Halloween Ball at the Coronet Theatre.

The event's themed on the seven Deadly Sins, with performances from the Cenobites, several Voodoo celebrities and many more. The front of the event's flyer even features a trans demon, which you can see here.

Deadly or mortal sin leads to the privation, or cancelling out, of sanctifying grace, which in turn leads to Hell, where Satan and his apostate angels live.

Perhaps you don't believe in that, maybe for you it's all a right larf.

Until you wake up and there's a demon gnawing on your elbow. 

You have been warned.



  1. They may be trying to out-do the trannies and freaks in Hollywood, who go big on All-Hallows Eve. When you consider the population of witches in SoCal (maybe larger than the entire population of Austin), that's quite something. I don't move in those circles, however I know a guy who used to and from his accounts it makes Sodom and Gomorrah look subdued. But maybe London will become the witch capital and will suck some of the witches who congregate at Burning Man and other local events, across the sea? I'm not making any predictions.

    Hillary, her life partner, Huma and the flying monkeys are naturally big supporters of the tranny and witch movement in the same way that they're in to killing unborn babies and selling their bodies for fun and profit.

  2. Coronet Theatre SE 1! It is the Coronet Nightclub at Elephant and Castle. You remember Elephant and Castle Padre! Don't need to dress up or wait for Halloween to meet plenty of creatures of the night there.

  3. HLL: Hillzebub and Huma might become our next rulers. I don't like that.

  4. Anonymous, the E&C? Surely you mean Shakespeare's Tomb.

  5. That invitation is brilliantly written!

    I take it you are attending? Dressed as? Curious...

  6. Anonymous -- by Shakespeare's tomb I mean the large aluminium cube, obviously.

  7. Jules, I can't go because I fear for my soul. But don't let me stop you, report back.And don't forget to bring some Holy Water, they hate that.
