Monday, September 26, 2016

Weak Wonky And Weird

OK. The greatest debate the world has ever seen is over. Who won? Opinion at the Compound was that DJT came over as reasonable, as opposed to mad bomber, and that Hillary came over over as weak, wonky and weird.

But why, we ask, is Fox giving Hillary such positive coverage? Surely Megynne isn't partisan for Hillary?

Central message? You inside-the-beltway gravy-trainers, guess what? You've messed up, badly, and you're being called to account. Hillary, that means you.

Watch DJT surge in the polls.



  1. Trumps singular message is that the country is a mess and Hillary (and friends) created it. How can you fix the inner cities, defeat ISIS, etc. if you are using the same failed policies that created the problem.

  2. All the polls on the debate have Trump winning - even ABC. Lester Holt was a yuge disappointment as he never asked Killary any tough questions and continually argued with Trump. His opening statement was also very biased and inappropriate.

  3. Two more debates to go. If there is any justice in the world (which so far there isn't), Hillary will collapse with a grand mal seizure in front of a national TV audience.

    That would be justice.

  4. I turned off the debate before they got to the swimsuit portion. I....I didn't really want to see that.

  5. I thought DJT did well enough, Adrienne, and the polls put him pretty much ahead. And they should -- the politicians have messed up badly, and Hillary's part of that. A ringleader, even.

  6. Then Trump could rush to her aid, Fredd. "Ambulance!" and win the election on that very spot.

  7. Sorry, Infidel. I skipped that part too.
