Wednesday, September 21, 2016

We Out Like Taliban

After a strangely peaceful Indian summer lull of a few weeks, it seems that America's back to normal, with terrorist attacks that aren't terrorist attacks committed by a Muslim who isn't a Muslim, and a race riot that isn't a race riot cooking off in Charlotte.

"We out like Taliban!" shouted one rioter. No, you're not out like Taliban, you're out like a crew of out of control, ghetto thugs looking for the nearest Walmart to loot. And it looks like they found one.

A Typical Taliban With a Looted Daisy Red Rider BB Gun

As one noted ironist observed, "Walmart looted of flat screens and iPads? #Justice." The cause of the shooting? A black man with a gun was shot by a black policeman with a gun. Which black life mattered most?

You decide.



  1. Negro theft is called "Social Justice".

    White theft is called a "crime".


    1. I think the Afro-American comm7nity were hoping for a better deal under Obama. That didn't happen.

      Come to think of it, it didn't happen for anyone except the rich elite.

      Peasants, revolt.

  2. That wasn't a "Black" policeman. That was a white policeman with black skin. There are no "Black" policemen that work for the Man. All just a bunch of Oreos. Therefore the policemen's lives don't matter. Only Black (Thug) Lives Matter!

    1. You have a point, Bill. Black Lives Matter funded by Soros, to boot.

  3. It's in the best interest of the Democrats and the MSM (but I repeat myself since they are the same thing) to promote the race war narrative. It keeps blacks angry and dependent on Democrats.

    1. Infidel. You must obey your elite overlords and stop hating.
