Thursday, August 4, 2016

Inside The Commission on Womyn Clergy

Shocking new video footage from inside the Papal Commission on Womyn Clergy (PCOWC), reveals high-placed Vatican advisers cavorting in a field in Holland. 

The Commission has been welcomed by Catholics for the Ordination of Womyn (COW). "It's time for the church to accept womyn in the ministry," stated COW feminist theologian, Elizabeth Shussler-Ragnor, "Otherwise no one will take us seriously."

However, traditionalists are dismayed. "The whole thing's a travesty," declared one Cardinal on the condition of anonymity, "Look at the dwarf in the video, it's a mockery. The Church is in a state of crisis, facing the Scylla and Charybdis of aggressive secularism on the one hand and fanatical Islam on the other. And all these clowns can do is goof off in a field."

PCOWC's working paper, We Can Dance if we Want to! is due for publication next year. 

ISIS laughs,



  1. I think that every progressive preacher needs a dwarf in a costume standing next to him doing sign language as he speaks. It's completely politically correct, and you get extra points if the dwarf is also a black, Jewish, tranny

  2. Replies
    1. Nothing quite like a good dose of We Can Dance if we Want to!, Linda

  3. I was going to post some comment, but LL's awesome 2 sentences completely threw me out of the groove. :)

  4. Just one question - is the safety dance ad orientem or versus populum?

    1. I get the feeling it's pretty much Ad Pop...

  5. LL, surely you mean person of restricted growth (PORG) not "dwarf."
