Friday, July 8, 2016

Ride On

As we rode out this afternoon in the searing Texan sun, I reflected on last night's terrorist sniper attack on Dallas LE. Who was to blame, The Man, in the form of Dallas PD's multiracial, underpaid police force? Whoa now, easy girl! Or something else.

Like blatant, brazen lawlessness at the top level of our governance being reflected on our streets. As go the rulers, so go the ruled, with bloody consequence. And for a fact, black race anger has been stoked by the current Administration. "Do not be discouraged," said Attorney General Loretta Lynch to the organization that fueled the Dallas terror attack. 

Would any of this have happened if Black Lives Matter didn't have the support of the state? I doubt it. Inside leg steady, bend the horse 'round the girth. Good girl, ride on.

So the Government's to blame, at least in part; they've encouraged the kind of racial conflict this country hasn't seen since the '60s. But let's go a little bit deeper under the saddle. Who are the people the ruling elite are encouraging, who was really behind Thursday night's cop killing operation. Surely it wasn't the radical revolutionary Left. Sit deep in the saddle, ignore the mad Arab's attempt at mutiny!

What are the RadLeft thinking? That a wave of cop killings across the country, and there's been one, will spark a revolution, which they'll win? Really? Think again, genius brigade. And remember this. 

Pretty much everything the Left does produces the exact opposite of its intended result. Remember womyn bishops? They were going to fill the pews. Hackamore.

Ride on,



  1. I don't think they fully understand the concepts of "backfire" and "blowback" very well, if at all....

  2. I'm sure that the armed blacklivesmatter people vowing to kill white people will cause the white people to disarm themselves in the hopes that the Dallas Police Department will be there to save them. When seconds count, the police are minutes away.

  3. This whole race thing that the Left embraces now reminds me of its early days in Los Angeles:

    A scruffy little dirtbag, who likes to pretend he's Jesus, recruits a bunch of wild eyed, mushroom eatin, acid droppin, pot smoking losers to do his bidding. He sends them off into town on a killing spree, killing white folk and trying to make it look like black folks are the killers. He then figures that this will incite a race war, which will rage out of control. He will keep holed up in his hideaway until the war has petered out, and then he will emerge and declare himself king, and rule over the country.

    Great plan, Charles Manson. How'd that work out for you, anyway?

  4. He moved up to the Barker Ranch in Death Valley to hide out, rape run-away teenage girls that he brought along (loaded). I've been to the ranch, as you might expect. It's very much the same as when the Sheriff hauled away Charlie and the cult/gang.

  5. Scary times. Be safe and God bless.

  6. I have never seen such cynicism and helplessness among ordinary Americans. It never used ot be like this.

  7. Those words might not be in their vocabulary, drjim.

  8. Good point, LL, and maybe it's weird but no one I know is planning to get rid of their firearms.

  9. Fredd & LL: I'd forgotten about that little freak and his race war.

  10. They seem to be getting scarier, Linda...
