Friday, July 1, 2016

Cooking With LSP, The Hard Way

"Cooking with LSP?" you ask with a wry smile, "That's kind of weird." Not so fast, readers, here's how it's done. The hard way.

Go to Walmart and pick up a couple of Threepers. No, not two members of a citizens militia! Two 3 packs of New York Strips; they shouldn't cost more that $30, all in all. Take your Threepers home, salt and pepper them and let those steaks come to room temperature in a place where the dog can't get them. He's hungry for steak.

Fire up the Weber using a large chimney, you'll want a lot of charcoal for a hot fire, then spread the coals when they're grey and put a grid over them. Scrape that grid down with a wire brush and admire the inferno as you sip an ice cold Stella. But look, there's no rule, it doesn't have to be Stella, that's just my choice. Do what you like, it's up to you.

Meditation over, get the steak and throw it on the grill. Watch it sizzle as the Threepers hit the hot grid; after about a minute, put the lid on the grill and observe the mystery of cooking for around 3 minutes, depending on the size of the steaks. Uncover, flip, repeat.

Grilling over, put the steaks on a tray and serve them up to the hungry team. Maybe throw in some baked potatoes and salad, perhaps some fried onions and mushrooms, whatever. 

You, not Big Government, are in charge of this operation. Then eat your steaks, like a Warrior. 

And that's cooking with,



  1. Exact same technique we use except we use a marinade.

  2. I see that Blue Steak Thief was standing by to lend some fangs if one had dropped.

  3. The only thing different I do is to place a cast iron skillet on the grill, throw a stick of butter in, put in a bunch of rough chopped bell peppers, green onions, garlic, and mushrooms and lightly saute them, then pour the whole think over the steaks. Never met a cowboy that didn't lick his plate after one of those steaks.

  4. Stella Artois is a fine brew. Charcoal is fine, but I am a gas guy. Immediate gratification and all, and nobody can tell me there's a difference in taste. Burnt hydro carbons are burnt hydro carbons.

    Baked potatoes and mushrooms are mandatory with New York strips. I think it's a law in Texas, but since you live on a fortified compound, to heck with laws, right Pastor?

  5. Stirring stuff Padre, keep the pit fires burning (not hell, your barbecue).!!

  6. I'm trying this technique tonight!

  7. I usually squeeze some lemon on the steaks, Pewster. Does that count as a marinade?

  8. Oh yes, LL. Blue Fang was ready and waiting. He got his reward!

  9. I'd say that was a very sensible thing to do, Brighid, and I'll be sure to follow.

  10. Lukeya, have no fear of the Pit. That would be the BBQ Pit...

  11. Hope it went well, H. Or would that be "BW"?
