Friday, June 24, 2016

Rule Britannia!

Remember the old song that says Britons never, ever, ever shall be slaves? Well it seems that that the Britons do, following their decision to walk away from their transnational elite, secular rightleft overlords in Brussels. 

What can we say? Rule Britannia, despite the best efforts of the bankster NWO puppetmasters and their Illuminati stooges in the Boom Town Rats.

Whether millionaire socialist celebrity Bob Geldof's disastrous performance on a boat in the Thames influenced this positive outcome, is presently unclear.

And you'll notice that the progleft shills in the so-called objective press are all saying that democracy's a bad idea.

Right. Who knows, maybe Great Briton will rebuild its Navy.

Carry on,



  1. Almost half of the Brits wanted to be ruled by the EU. Those who said that they would leave the UK if BREXIT passed need to be encouraged to pack up their kit and move on.

    The UK was smart in that it retained the pound even though they joined with the EU. There is bound to be some uncertainty and change that comes from cutting themselves free of the shackle to Europe, but it will work out better in the end. Not to worry, Germany is next. Will they deport all of the "refugees" if they leave the EU? Likely, and one thing will be sure, the million military age Muslim males will not be going to England.

  2. That would put a lot of people to work. Good or them, I say.

  3. Preference Cascade.

    My bet is that in 18 months two thirds of Britons will be happy they left the EU.

  4. Time to get some serious ordnance into Gibraltar...

    Well I hope this is all going to be a bit of fun as we move further out into the Atlantic.

  5. It's been amusing watching the reaction of my liberal friends. They are aghast and blame Trump.

    1. It's all Trump's fault, and don't forget "Pat" Buchanan, either.

  6. I guess, LL, that they could go to the same place that Oprah and Miley Cyrus are heading?

  7. Let's hope so, Linda. Certainly one in the eye for the secular superstate globalist bankster elites.

  8. Good bet, Borepatch. Maybe I should wager my fighting monkey...

  9. A strong Navy will definitely be important, Jack. And sorry, "Bob." Your crew loses.

  10. I am both surprised and excited. I always thought the whole EU thing was weird. Word has it that Soros had all his bets covered and made out like a bandit anyway.

    1. All the libs are saying that the UK will be ruined, just like it was before it was in the EU. Soros, what an NWO paymaster.

  11. Well, England and Wales are out, but Scotland seems to want to stay with the nancy Europeans. The next while as the UK moves out of entangling alliances will be interesting to watch. If I knew nothing else about the Brexit, the fact that both Obama and Hillary opposed it is enough for me to side with the UK's decision.

  12. And on the Feast of St John the Baptist; "I am a voice crying in the wilderness...

  13. HUZZAH!

    The nations, not so blest as thee,
    Must, in their turns, to tyrants fall;
    While thou shalt flourish great and free,
    The dread and envy of them all.
    "Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
    "Britons never will be slaves."

  14. All that has happened is we have voted for secession from the Federal Union. The Federalists within the UK will not accept the result. They will be assisted by the Federal Union to spike the departure of the UK. Already there is a call for London to declare UDI and join the EU. London substantially voted Remain, although about a third of the population voted Leave.

    Whilst many of London's Leave voters are the old White Working Class, a fair proportion must be members of earlier immigrant communities also voting Leave. A straw poll amongst my West Indian and Bangladeshi colleagues showed support for Leave because of the negative pressure on blue-collar wages and the hope that Britain will focus upon its Commonwealth relationships, which they think have suffered under the EU.

    All the mainstream parties backed the wrong side, however, new political organisations espousing various progressive causes are appearing by magic as a Fifth Column. The resentment of the Youth is being stoked. The Twitter sphere is full of outraged Hipsters. Forces are being marshalled and mobs organised. Far from healing expect divisiveness, discord and disorder. Those who wish to see UK Independence from the EU have many more battles to face before it becomes a reality.

    Ever trick and deceit will be used to try to prevent Brexit in Parliament. The media will be awash with tearful celebrities accusing any one who disagrees with them as Xenophobes, Neo-Nazis, Racists, Reactionaries. Starry-eyed young radicals will march, shout a lot and post on social media. The Banksters will be lobbying and bribing away behind the scenes to block Brexit or force a second vote.

  15. If you watched ABC cover the Brexit results, you would have thought that the Brits voted themselves into the dumpster.

    Especially that liberal pinko bum-wipe Terry Moran, whose every other word was 'catastropic,' 'alarming', 'disastrous,' 'devastating,' and 'ill-conceived.'

    Not to mention David Muir whining on and on about the 611 point drop in the Dow in response to the leave vote results, constantly warning that 401(k) balances would have retirees languishing in the gutters, waiting to die.

    Yes, American liberals think that these Britons are a bit daft, eh Pastor?

  16. Pastor: yes, the libs are predicting doom and gloom for the UK, no hope. Which means that things are going to be looking up across the pond in short order. Libs are wrong about everything. Every time.

    Same kind of thing happened when Bill Clinton was forced to sign welfare reform back in the 1990's, the pinkos were predicting that the welfare queens and homeless bums were going to starve to death, and the dead bodies of the victims of Newt Gringrich's mean spiritedness were going to be so numerous, we would have to stack the dead bodies in piles on the side of every road in America, like cord wood. And what happened? The bums got jobs. Who knew?

    We did, that's who. And we still know that things are only looking up for the UK going foward.

  17. When are the two DLC officer candidates showing up for training (from their home in the cold and forbidding north)?

  18. LL: Candidates 1 and 2 arrive Wednesday. Pretty excited about that -- I see fishing, riding and shooting in the training program.

  19. Euripides -- to be honest, Bob Geldof swung it for me. Obama/Clinton? Done deal, get out of there, England.

  20. Well quoted, Theodore! And great fun shooting. .45 ACP forever.

  21. Good analysis, Anonymous. Let the games begin.

  22. Fredd: Some of my #Remain friends think the world is about to end. But look, Switzerland's not in the EU and it still seems to work, and didn't they (or someone) say that you'd have to be mad to join the organization right about now?

    Sorry, Hillary and the Banksters. You lose.

  23. True Padre, but the Swiss did have all that nice Nazi gold.....

    1. That, Lukeya, is a very good point and I know you're not happy about the outcome and need a scapegoat. One word:


  24. You know with July 4th just around the corner let us not forget that in 1776 the colonies voted for a Brexit as well. Yes, the financial markets did suffer in the short term but everything turned out all right.

    1. I agree, Infidel. And who wants to be ruled by Bob Geldof and his Brussels Overlords?

  25. Now there's nothing wrong with Nazi Gold Padre, as I'm sure you'll agree but I'd bet my one Nigel Farage against two of your Geldofs any day.

  26. As you know, Lukeya, I'm not a betting man, but I'm not sure I like the odds on that wager. Still, an X v. Geldof throwdown? I see mileage. Speaking of Nazi gold, a reliable source told me that Geneva was the satanist capital of Europe.

    What that means for Geldof is presently unclear.
