Monday, June 6, 2016

Getting to The Range

There's not been a lot of shooting in LSPland lately because of our enemy, the Weather. Seriously, it's rained so much that the places I like to shoot at have been pretty much off-limits. But that's changed, at least for now, with a few days of heat and sun.

So I drove down to the range with GWB and a couple of wood stocked Ruger American .22s, a value pack of ammo and a mind set on a few hours of firearms fun. Make up for lost time, I thought to myself, and blaze away in the clean country air. Right on, get out and shoot.

Then disaster struck. Thanks to the Weather, part of a tree had fallen and was blocking the way into the range. It was a significant obstacle and there was no way it was going to move without a chainsaw and there wasn't one.

"We need a saw," said GWB, thoughtfully, and I agreed, "Yes, and there isn't one." I optimistically tried a bit of telekenesis on the fallen timber; maybe staring at the branches would shift them out of the way. No, it didn't, and then it came to me, GWB had had the foresight to bring a multitool. "What about your Leatherman?" I asked,  "That has a sawblade, a surprisingly good one."

Sure enough, the Leatherman Wave's handy saw made quick work of an offending branch and we were able to drive around the road block. Moral of the story?

Don't underestimate our enemy the Weather, it can throw some nasty punches. Also, be prepared, have the kit you need to reach your objective. Most importantly, when things go wrong you can sit there in your pajama onesie, whining into your coco as you wait for the Government to step in and save you, good luck with that. Or you can take matters into your own hands and find a solution.

That's what happened today. We cut through the wood and drove on through, to the other side.

Thanks, Leatherman Wave. You work.



  1. Reminds me somewhat of my Hurricane Rita evac experience. The then-wife and I packed our dogs and cats and fled to her grandparents' place outside Hemphill, deep in the East Texas Piney Woods. The storm blew thru, knocking down trees everywhere, especially along the Forest Service road coming out to the homestead. The neighbors got out their tools and tractors, and soon cleared one lane out to the main highway, so someone could get in and out if needed. Most I had were a machete, a Cold Steel shovel, both freshly sharpened, and the saw on my Victorinox One-handed Trekker. The only time the saw was used out there was to cut down a sapling for a hiking stick, as we were stuck there for a week until the mandatory evac order was lifted. (It was like summer camp, but without merit badge classes.) The shovel was used more, swung like a Spetnaz hatchet, to clear branches off of larger tree limbs that fell and needed clearing.

  2. You need to keep a tomahawk in your rig for just such problems. Thankfully in this case, the Leatherman was up to the task. This post could have been "Bushcraft Monday".

    I'm glad to see that the range at the compound is now dry enough to drive on. Maybe you can put off building that Ark.

  3. That's exactly what about 90% of the Katrina victims in New Orleans expected: when their house, sitting 100 feet below sea level, was flooded, they truly expected a helicopter to swoop in, scoop them up from the roof tops to which they scrambled, and whisk them away to a government provided luxury suite.

    You think I am exaggerating. I'm not.

  4. I've been wanting to go to the Piney Woods, Mattexian. Good thing you had that shovel!

  5. The Ark plan's on hold for now, LL, though I wouldn't be surprised if the Weather kicks off again. And good tomahawk point. I think I'll keep my small axe in the rig from now on.

  6. A friend of mine, a Major at the time, helped with the Katrina evac. He got a bit concerned when people started sniping at the rescue teams. What a mess.

  7. I should have a Leatherman. I did the sensible thing when we had all our tree damage this past winter. I called two handsome young men to come over with their chainsaws, trucks, and broad shoulders. Took them two days to cut and haul the mess. Twelve trips to the dump (6K lbs), which did not include about a half cord of wood cut and stacked for the stove.

    Now I'm having them back to wack down my gazillion lilac bushes. Could I do it myself? Sure. But, why?

    Glad the rain has finally stopped and you can back to shooting, LSP.
