Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Divine Humor?

According to the UK's left-leaning Guardian, churches in Europe are experiencing growth from an unlikely quarter, converts from Islam.

A growing number of Muslim refugees in Europe are converting to Christianity, according to churches, which have conducted mass baptisms in some places.
Reliable data on conversions is not available but anecdotal evidence suggests a pattern of rising church attendance by Muslims who have fled conflict, repression and economic hardship in countries across the Middle East and central Asia.

Complex factors behind the trend include heartfelt faith in a new religion, gratitude to Christian groups offering support during perilous and frightening journeys, and an expectation that conversion may aid asylum applications.

At Trinity church in the Berlin suburb of Steglitz, the congregation has grown from 150 two years ago to almost 700, swollen by Muslim converts, according to Pastor Gottfried Martens. Earlier this year, churches in Berlin and Hamburg reportedly held mass conversions for asylum seekers at municipal swimming pools.

Well, you can't blame them, especially the women, and I'd imagine Christianity would be liberating after Mohammedanism. But perhaps there's an element of divine irony at work here, with the very people you'd most expect to destroy and supplant the Church riding, against all the odds, to its rescue.

No one, either on the right or the left of the Christianity v. Islam debate, has predicted this or would even dare to; it seems too implausible and upside down. But so does the Gospel, in  which death is overcome by death and the last are first.

Let's Have This Back

There would be a kind of divine justice, perhaps humor, in Christianity's perennial enemy, Islam, turning out in the end to be its lifeline, at least in the enfeebled churches of the West.

I hope this encouraging trend continues and let the reader understand, Muslim converts are known for the fervency of their faith. I'll resist the temptation to comment of the Church of England's Bench of Bishops.

God bless,



  1. Maybe lemons will turn into lemonade?

  2. My question is are they converting or infiltrating? I'm suspicious that way...

  3. Interesting use of the Hagia Sophia. I read elsewhere that the Turks are allowing reading from the Koran there during Ramadan, in spite of its official status as a museum for the last 70-80 years. The Greek Orthodox are understandably upset, but the Greek gubmint isn't making any loud complaints. The Muslims' tendency to claim any territory in perpetuity sounds like "The Dog's Rules": if I want it, it's mine; if I ever had it, it's mine; if I see it, it's mine.

  4. I think it's right to be suspicious, Adrienne, but apparently some of this at least is the real deal.

  5. I saw that, Mattexian. Sultan Erdogan needs to give that church back to its rightful owners. He doesn't seem too keen on that, however. Maybe Putin will get it back.

  6. Adrienne is an Italian - or Sicilian (almost the same) and I will resist resorting to quotes from The Princess Bride at this point. However, she is right to be suspicious of the motives of potential Muslim Quislings.

  7. Praise the Lord, if this is true.

    I would hope it to be so. Only time will tell.

  8. I hope it's true. It still seems rare around here, but one of my best friends, an army intelligence officer from Detroit was a convert from Islam to Catholicism as a young man. He seems like a good man to me. Of course, I also used to do a lot of drinking with a polish aerospace engineering grad student at Purdue who turned out to be a commie spy. Bastard got me in a lot of trouble. So, what do I know?

  9. But....but....Islam is the Religion of Peace™. Why would they need to convert to the white man's religion of war?

  10. I hope it is, Linda. We'll see.

  11. Beware the 5th Column, Grunt!

  12. Yet another cisnormative act of white privilege oppression, Infidel.
