Thursday, May 26, 2016

Texas Tranquility

It was peaceful on the lake after Mass but it was also exciting, because the Bass were jumping. Excitingly tranquil, perhaps.

One of the wide-mouthed mariners surged onto my lure, a Tiny Torpedo, and I have to say, well done, Heddon, for making something that actually catches fish. So, what do you do? Set back for an aggressive hookset? 

No, you do not. You follow Fishing Science and allow the fish to take the lure down into the depths as you apply steady pressure. The action of the fish and the twin trebles do the rest. Then you enjoy the fight, and this one was full of it.

Plenty of action and no shortage of the sound every fisherman loves, drag ratcheting out as a fish runs with your hook. But all too soon this one was up on the flooded ledge I was fishing from and I brought him, or was it a she, maybe a zhir?, up to the bank.

A couple of lakeside visitors were impressed by this and took some photos. They were from Fort Worth, looking to get out of the Metrosprawl and into some Texas tranquility. And who can blame them, I hope they found it.

Here's the deal. Take some time out of your busy schedule and fish. It won't do you any harm and might do you a lot of good, unless you hook yourself in the eye, or fall out of your $70k Bass Boat onto an overdraft and break your neck. 

Fish Rising,



  1. It looks as though you've found a great spot and have broken the bass code. I'm looking forward to my next trip to the compound to try my luck as well.

  2. You're always welcome, LL!

    It's certainly a good spot for now -- I'll be interested to see what it's like in the summer. Still good, I'm hoping.
