Monday, May 23, 2016

Mark Zuckerberg, Billionaire Socialist

I'm a Billionaire Socialist!

Mark Zuckerberg, billionaire socialist extraordinaire, with a net worth of over $30 billion, is against America having borders or protecting them.

A Typical Billionaire Socialist's Palace, With a Border.

Maybe that's why Mark Zuckerberg lives in a mansion with a high-security border and's demolishing homes around his rich leftist compound, to turn the border between himself and the rest of the world more to his liking.

The Facebook Logo

Facefraud, which has a "trending news" section, is a well-known pawn of the NWO, globalist elite. That would make Zuckerberg its stooge.

Kick out the JAMS,



  1. I bought his Facebook stock when it was $38 a share at the IPO. Now it's over a hundred. I still hate the guy, though. But his stock is golden.

  2. Zuckerberg in his castle
    The poorman beyond the gate
    One makes a lot money
    As Censor for the State

    All things bite and Googlable
    All teachers and all fools
    All histories and all browsers
    The Man he logs them all.

    Each little message posted,
    Each little tweet that flies,
    He made each one available,
    So that the State can spy.

    All things bite and Googlable
    All teachers and all fools
    All histories and all browsers
    The Man he logs them all.

    George Orwell is now weeping.
    His warnings heeded not,
    Big Brother was never self-financing,
    As what we now have got.

    All things bite and Googlable
    All teachers and all fools
    All histories and all browsers
    The Man he logs them all.

    The compromising emails,
    The servers running sly,
    The classified and the secret,
    All to protect the lies;−

    All things bite and Googlable
    All teachers and all fools
    All histories and all browsers
    The Man he logs them all.

    Each Jihadi in is bedroom
    Each transsexual in the Loo
    We must protect each their freedoms
    From bigots just like you.

    All things bite and Googlable
    All teachers and all fools
    All histories and all browsers
    The Man he logs them all.

    Each Holy text redacted,
    Each Godly Truth undone,
    Each Church is brought to ruin
    For the Unicorn has won

    All things bite and Googlable
    All teachers and all fools
    All histories and all browsers
    The Man he logs them all.

  3. Nice buy, Fredd. Apple would've been a good purchase too...

  4. Thanks for the hymn, Anonymous.

  5. buy short, sell long... easy peasy! no fence required.

  6. But Zuckerberg is a liberal, so his billions are OK.
