Thursday, May 12, 2016

Fort Worth Rides The Rainbow

Who'd have thought it, the gateway to the West, Cowtown, Texas' own Fort Worth, with its fabled stockyards and legends of the frontier, has gone trans and decided to ride the rainbow. At least its schools have. Here's highlights from the recent Fort Worth ISD Rainbow Directive, via Dreher:

There doesn’t need to be a medical or mental health diagnosis involved. If a male student says he’s a girl, then he’s a girl, and vice versa.
Schools are instructed to keep the student’s asserted gender identity hidden from parents unless authorized to share that information with them.
School personnel are to consider themselves to be allies of a student undergoing gender transitioning. That means not telling their parents or guardians.
Transgender students must have the opportunity to participate in school sports as the gender they claim to be, though they are not guaranteed this as a right.
Teachers are no longer to call their students “boys” and “girls,” but to use gender-neutral language to refer to them, e.g., “students.”
Classrooms are to “feature diversity” in their classroom materials.

Well there you go, parents. Send your kids to a Fort Worth public school so they can get sexually confused. But don't worry, it'll be a special secret between your child and their teachers, you won't be allowed to know. That's forbidden, by the State and its Teachers. Obey. Them. 

No fooling and remember, you're paying for this. Where will it end?

Dreher observes:

Don’t be fooled: the bathroom issue is a proxy for a deeper conflict over what it means to be male and female, and beyond that, about fundamental human nature. These standards are collapsing in American society in part because of elites pushing against them, but also — and perhaps more so — because radical individualism is going into hyperdrive. We call it freedom — freedom to choose who you are, with neither custom, nor religion, nor even biology standing in the way of your will. But here’s what’s going to happen. People who submit to this way of thinking will find that their freedom, so construed, will make it impossible for them to construct a coherent, stable identity. They’re not going to make it. This perversion of liberty will wreck them.

I'd add that the perversion of liberty will end in totalitarianism, the same totalitarianism we're beginning to see in Fort Worth's schools. You can read all about it in Dostoevsky's Devils and Crime and Punishment, the ideology hasn't changed, though technology has.

Good Look, Dude. now Everyone Will Think You're a Sexy Chick

In a similar vein, Bruce Jenner wants to be a man again. Good thing he kept his "biology," eh?



  1. Yes, Bruce still has his mangina if all reports are accurate. However, if the mood strikes him, he can be a celebrated woman once again. It works like magic---like unicorns and rainbows.

  2. I'm not sure that Bruce has been all there since winning the gold in the Decathlon lo these many decades ago. For a month or two in the 1970's, the guy was on every box of Wheaties across the fruited plain.

    Then his fame evaporated, and he couldn't stand not being in the national spotlight. I'm no shrink, but I think the guy is a bigger narcissist than Obama. Or Trump. And since the horse he rode in on was his physicality as a world class athlete, when that disappeared over the decades as it does with all of us, he wouldn't let things go.

    I am not calling him a her. I just won't do it. It encourages him.

  3. That's a very good point, LL. Magic. Rainbow unicorn gender magic.

  4. Some people think, Fredd, that he had to "keep up with the Kardashians." There might be some truth in that.

    But it's weird how they're pushing this in schools. That'll annoy a lot of people.

  5. Today, you've had your pancakes at the prayer breakfast, you've ridden the horse, you've taken Blue Outlaw for a walk...time for some fishing and if you strike out there, a swing through Itasca and a brief stop at Karen's Mexican Food!!

  6. He's claiming now that he doesn't want to transition back but that he's still attracted to females. And people don't think he mentally ill?

    I think he wants to be a boy again 'cause he found out wearing high heels and having to do his hair and makeup is not as fun as he thought it would be. Boys just wash and go. Girls - not so much.

  7. I'm sure there's a lot to the Kardashian-created pressure to be famous and in the news every day. The guy is still a narcissist.

  8. That, LL, is very accurate -- though the horse was bumped by sick calls. Maybe a leisurely shoot this evening would close things off well.

  9. It's got to be weird for Brucait, Adrienne. Looking at yourself in the mirror every day and asking, "What have I done to myself?" and then having to spend hours getting ready to go out. Difficult.

  10. Brucait, a narcissist? Surely not, Fredd. He only spent $4 million++ on his "makeover" so no one would, ahem, notice him.

  11. No wonder you're about to get Trump

  12. Well a pretty poor showing from the lone star state if there's no opposition to a measure that will put women and children at serious risk.No wonder you're set to get Trump.

  13. It's just the Fort Worth school district, fortunately, but still, bad enough. Fort Worth has a strange history proglibism -- you wouldn't expect it.

  14. pertinent to the post, enjoy

  15. I saw that, heh... very powerful meme.

  16. Interestingly over here, and perhaps in some parts of there as well, the radical feminists (or o good number of them anyway) are totally opposed to the trans or at least 'sexually vague/gender fluid' or whatever its called thing.

    Their argument ' can't just be women by claiming to men are still bastards ( experience of oppression as a woman)....etc. etc.' I believe Ms. Greer has been caught using the term 'Chicks with Dicks'. What a fascist eh?

    Not sure what's driving the totally undefined sexual/gender identity thing, and not at all sure if it makes any sense. People need some sense of fixed identity to feel stable, surely? Even if you do fancy a bit of the other.

    Strange situation where conservative Christians and radical feminists agree on something, even if it is only this.

  17. It is odd. I think Dreher nails the "philosophy" -- straight out of the old rad playbook which I think Dost. describes so well. But that's not all of it, there's a bunch of libs DESPERATE to reenact the civil rights movement and champion a minority. Well, they sure picked a small one...
