Friday, February 19, 2016

Spot The Defense Minister, Old But Gold

Trick question, they all are! I know, it's an old joke but somehow it seems weirdly relevant. Good luck, Europe.

God bless,



  1. Are they biologically women, or just self-identifying as such? Because there are many genders apparently.

  2. Well Russia isn't going to win the swim wear phase of WW3.

  3. I think that it must be the woman on the Far Left. She inspires fear.

  4. That's a very good question, Infidel. Hang on for a moment while I check my privilege.

  5. It kind of looks as though they're not competing in that part of the beauty pageant, Anonymous.

  6. But are you sure it's a woman, LL?

  7. LSP - in a world where Bruce Jenner is woman of the year, I don't even comment anymore, because who knows? Ellen Degenerate says that she's a man, doesn't she/he/it?

    There are six legal genders in California. There is male and female, but the four others make the first two difficult to adjudicate without a form filled out by the person...and even then they're allowed to change when the mood takes them.

  8. It seems the Rainbow Unicorn is a complex deity, LL.

  9. I can't explain the mind of Baal and friends.

    Nor do I really care to. Best they keep their distance from me.

  10. Being a Defense Minister in Europe is the easiest gig known to mankind. When an external threat pops up, just pick up the phone and call Uncle Sam; he'll handle it. THen hang up the phone and go about preparing for your annual 16 week vacation in the Azores.

  11. Sometimes we have to know our enemy, LL, but Baal sounds about right.

  12. I get the feeling, Fredd, that the Europeans have convinced themselves that there'll never be another real war on the continent, ever. All because of their enlightened Eurocom, rainbow unicorn feminisation.

    Maybe, one day, Uncle Sam won't pick up the 'phone.
