Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Shrove Tuesday

As faithful Christians were gearing up for Lenten penance, Hillary Rodham Clinton was getting a shriving in New Hampshire, handily beaten by a 74 year Communist, Bernie Sanders. 

The GOP establishment took one in the face too, with celebrity real estate mogul Donald Trump dominating the Republican Party field. Sorry, bow tie and tasseled loafer brigade, you lose.

So what does it mean, we asked ourselves over pancakes at the Missions. A Bern v. Trump shoot-out for the Presidency? A return to the good old days of better dead than red or vice versa and devil take the hindmost?

One thing's sure, if the old commie keeps up at this pacemaker it's going to take a whole lot of flying monkeys to keep Hillary in the running, and out of jail.

Don't forget to go to Mass tomorrow, it's Ash Wednesday.



  1. Ash Wednesday, yes, but it's also the Year of the Flying Monkey, which may exempt Hillary's staff for paying their devotions to any but the graven image with the feet of clay that they worship.

  2. Not a day of obligation, but still good to go, as our country desperately needs prayers.

  3. LL, we shudder to think of the dark mysteries that go on behind the closed doors of the Hillary Campaign. Human sacrifice? Tick. Deceit? Tick. But what "deity." My money's on a Moloch/Baphomet combo. But that's just me.

  4. Good HDO point Jenny -- but it does feel like one... and prayers for sure.

  5. LSP, you know that the orgies undertaken under the Clinton banner have been legendary. I'm sure that they worship the goddess Isis, which may be why Barack isn't doing anything about ISIS.

    Coincidence? You be the judge.

  6. This is interesting, LL. And I know, certain things are off limits, but it's good to have an intelligence community perspective.

    Rumors of Mantis People running amok in Dupont Circle are just that, rumors.

  7. Fredd-nac The Magnificent (unrelated to Carnac the Magnificent of Johnny Carson fame) has a prognostication:

    Bernie is unacceptable to the movers and shakers within the Democrat/Liberal establishment. No way, Jose, is Bernie going to get the nomination. If Hillary doesn't start getting some traction in SC, NV and into Super Tuesday, then the movers/shakers will push the button: FBI recommends indictment, the old lesbian crone is indicted, Joe Biden is resurrected and cruises to victory at the convention. Screw Bernie.

    Fredd-nac has spoken.

  8. Thanks, Fredd-nac. I think the best thing about that scenario is the crone indictment. Yes, please.

  9. Hillary needs to get elected quickly, so that she has executive privilege and at the same time can pardon herself. The flying monkeys are trying to make that a reality and keep somebody from throwing a bucket of water on her. It would be awkward for the Dems if their favored candidate melted leaving nothing but an outsized pantsuit designed for a pear shaped woman and shoes designed for women with large ankles.

  10. Please, LL, get someone to drop a house on her.
