Monday, February 22, 2016

Donald Trump For Pope

According to CNN, Donald Trump is taking a shot at the Papacy as well as the US Presidency:
I don’t have to do this, when you think about it. I really don’t. I’m rich. I’m really, really, rich. I built a great company; a tremendous company. I employ thousands and thousands of people. So my friends, they ask me, they say Donald, you have everything you can dream of. You’re rich, you have an amazing wife, an amazing family, you’re very successful, why run for Pope? And I say, you know what? I have to run. My Church needs me. The Catholics need me. I have to make the Catholic Church great again. I have to.

I especially enjoyed this:

The priest consecrates a bunch of hosts and then a layperson, usually a woman up at the altar in a pantsuit. Probably Hillary. I wouldn’t be surprised if it were Hillary.
You ever notice today that all the nuns dress like Hillary? When did that happen? When did nuns start dressing like Hillary? It’s scary. It’s really scary.

Trad Catholics, and anyone else, might enjoy reading the whole thing here.




  1. Hysterical.
    Did you see Ross Douthat in the NYT noting that the Pope and the Donald are more alike than one might think?

  2. I had to laugh, Padre.

    Haven't seen the Ross article, I'll have a look.

  3. So WHY DO the female religious people dress like Hillary? That's a question that needs answering.

  4. All the answers I can thin of are pretty unsettling, LL. make that "very."

  5. Nuns dressed as Hillary. Yes. That is a big problem. Seriously ladies. Junk the pantsuits and bring back veils.

  6. P.S. I'll have to check out that parody site more often. Though the point about nuns dressed as Hillary is sadly true.

  7. It is, very sadly, all too true...

  8. Someone could suggest to Hillary that she could get more votes if she was willing to do a liturgical dance with a bunch of other lesbians. She dresses for it so it's not like she'd need another costume.
