Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Old Boot

Some call her The Old Boot, others are less flattering, but one thing's for sure, Hillary Clinton seems to live a charmed life that's above the law. Here's Chesterton on the phenomenon.

"But the idea of punishing a public man as a public enemy has, for good or evil, become an impossibility. And the idea of taking away the private wealth of a public man is equally inconceivable, especially if he is a really wealthy man... But at least it is certain that modern government makes life for the governing classes safer; and never before in the whole history of the world has it been so safe a business to govern." (On the Pillory)

I'm hoping that Hillary will prove to be the exception to this rule.




  1. I think that the Clinton luck has run its course. 150 FBI agents may just decide to go away, but I really doubt it. Obama knows, Debbie Wasserman knows. They just don't know precisely what to do about it, but they'll have a plan.

    Look for poor old senile Slow Joe Biden and Elizabeth (Fake Indian) Warren stepping on stage to save the day, sidelining equally senile Bernie Sanders.

  2. Good old Joe "Trans Rights Campaigner" Biden...

  3. I wonder if Joe would consider cross-dressing to help bring in more votes from the Tranny Lobby?

    And don't say that he'd make an ugly woman. That's xenophobic -- or something like that. If Joe shows up wearing a micro-mini skirt and fishnets, the only words that should come out of your mouth are these: "Nice legs, Mr. Vice President"... And who knows but what he would kick the fake Indian to the curb and pick up Jenner for a two-woman of the year ticket? Because both Joe and Bruce are/would be lesbians, they might capture the gay vote.

    It makes sense because Bruce is a Republican, he'd get the Republican tranny vote...

  4. Jeeze Louise, LL, you're doing all the thinking for them! That actually sounds like a workable plan!
