Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Baptism of Christ

It's good to be back in Texas and we celebrated the Baptism of Our Lord today. I suggested that Christ's baptism served as a model, or template for our own, and encouraged everyone to renew their baptismal vows.

Part of that means renouncing the "world," as well as the flesh and the Devil, and I asked one of the congregations what that meant. "Just what are the 'evil powers of this world which corrupt and destroy the creatures of God?'" I questioned, in a display of stunning homiletic brilliance, "Some would say 'Global Warming' or would that be 'Climate Change?'" Everyone laughed at that. 

Speaking of which, El Nino's been captured in Mexico, thanks to Sean Penn and Nino's vainglorious desire to make a Narcos style biopic. But the question is, how long will the notorious weather criminal kingpin stay in jail?

God bless,



  1. I have a feeling based on sources that Chapo is bound for the US SuperMax in Aurora, CO. And he won't escape from that one.

  2. I think his days may be numbered. In other news, open carry has arrived here, and guess what, I haven't seen anyone using the freedom. The general consensus seems to be "keep it concealed, don't be a jackass." There's a wisdom in that, though I think I'll test the law tomorrow, on my morning walk to the coffee station with Blue ACP.

  3. If you're going to open carry, don't wear a turban or fly a black flag in Texas.

  4. I don't think "open Jihad" would go down too well in most parts...

  5. What will the Mexicans now do to Mr Madonna Mk.1? They are no well known for forgiving and forgetting.

  6. Two Mooselims shot up a bar/night club in Calgary last night ( I'm concerned that they were looking for the leader of the DLC, who had flown the coop.

  7. Well, well, well, looks like I just missed the action, LL.
