Wednesday, January 20, 2016

It's Bushcraft Wednesday!

Bushcraft is about surviving in the wild, far away from the comforts of home and supermarket. Part of that means knowing about the creatures of the wild, both predators and prey. To that end, Team LSP is pleased to present this infovideo.

Here at the Compound, we hope you find it as helpful as we do.

Your Pal,



  1. Now that is very useful. I'll try those same tactics the next time that I'm in gator country and may even be around to report back on my success. Well, I might.

  2. I thought you'd find it useful. Notice how the otters band up on the croc. I think this means attack in packs, if possible.

  3. They otter know better... than to mess with a big mouth breather...

  4. Priceless brilliance! I am in awe of the otter!

  5. I couldn't understand a word Snoop was saying. Maybe I better bone up on my ebonics, eh Reverend?

  6. Nothing like some Snoop to round out the evening, Padre.

  7. The language of nature, Fredd?

  8. Ebonics is simple. Throw out mumbled words like 'yo, bitch' (listen to me); 'my ho' (the woman I love), 'check it out cuz' (look). It's sort of a caveman way of speaking. Motherfucker is sort of an ambiguous term that you insert here and there for no real reason other than it's Ebonics. I expect from the wide and ubiquitous use of the word that mother fucking is common in the ghetto. I'm sure that LSP (a former ghetto parson in -- Baltimore was it?) could comment more on that.

  9. I don't know about the mother thing, but I do recall asking a woman at a hospital cafeteria, on the wrong side of DC, what she was serving. "What's that?" I asked, "Thnaaa," she snarled, "Well thanks, I've always wanted a plate of Thnaa," I replied. I think it was supposed to be lasagna. Maybe Laqueesha didn't know.

  10. Stick to ordering chicken, ribs, grits or melon when in the ghetto. Those are more familiar dishes than the exotic European cuisines that are more difficult to translate directly into Ebonics. Thnaa, is naturally ANYTHING other than chicken, ribs, grits or melon.

  11. I kind of thought it was a "catch all" and they weren't serving much else. No wonder Shaniqua Thnaa was so miserable! Wouldn't have minded some chicken myself, come to think of it.
