Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Are You Ready For The Country?

Good question. Maybe you are, maybe you're not, but one thing's certain, the hat most certainly is. Speaking of which, no one's attempted to vandalize or remove this statue.

Sensible townsfolk.

All for the Cause,



  1. I think that more appropriately the question is whether the country is ready for me...

    I need property with a pond that can be stocked with bass, and doesn't flood out too bad when the rain is what it's been, and doesn't dry up in the heat of summer. There must be enough acreage where I can also construct a rifle range out to at least 100 meters. Hill Country is the obvious choice. The question would be where.

  2. I'll be on the look out, LL, good plan.

  3. It's our Confederate War Memorial, Adrienne.

  4. Adrienne, if that memorial is erected the same as the one in my town, the soldier atop it is keeping vigil northwards, in case those damnedyankees get too big for their britches again.
