Thursday, December 3, 2015

Syed Farook & Tashfeen Malik -- Jihad California

At first the media tried to blame the California massacre on the pro-life movement and then it was gun control and Christianity. "Better think of something better to do than pray, you stupid NRA Christians," went the chorus. But the narrative broke down when the shooters turned out to be Muslims.

Syed Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik, a pair of devout Muslims. 

What could possibly have been their motive? And as you ponder that, reflect on the wisdom of large-scale Muslim immigration.



  1. It is amusing watching the media speculate that it was right wing Christians.

    I assume this shooting will be quickly buried. Doesn't fit the narrative.

  2. They were smugly convinced that there was a PP link. But there wasn't. Best forget about it, then.

  3. Their home was described by the police as an IED FACTORY. That rules out "workplace violence" as a motive. It's not as though somebody just went postal.

    This is simple jihadi behavior - and they were doing what the Quran teaches them to do.

    So yes, this was a monumental blunder for the MSM to report on. In the future they will wait to insure that the suspect isn't black, a Muslim or an atheist before putting news out.

  4. The MSM messed up big time, that's for sure. In the meanwhile, the NYT is racking its collective intellect for a motive.

    Not enough trannies in the military, obviously.

  5. Or too many trannys and homos in the County Health Inspection Office in San Bernardino. That might have set the Mooselims off. That and the weather...and the Quran...and the Imam...and jihad. But they're dead now and the bomb factory/clock factory is dismantled. But there is still a mosque down the street from my house...
