Sunday, December 13, 2015

Putin, ISIS And Obama, or, Caught in The Act

Feel free to translate Barack Hussein Obama's exclamation any way you like. And remember, what this so-called blog lacks in nuance, it gains in enthusiasm.

ISIS laughs, or it would, if it wasn't for Russia.

Well done, Putin.



  1. I heard a recent news broadcast refering to the "US-led coalition" in Syria. I am indeed starting to wonder who the real leader is.

  2. It really stinks. or in Anglicanspeak, stinketh...

  3. The Russians have a very low opinion of Barack.

  4. LSP: not quite all of us have a low opinion of Barry. Way too many non-productive, Obama-phone usin', unemployment check cashin', Obamacare lovin' lowlifes here in the good ol USA love the guy.

    To all of our detriment.

  5. Do you remember the street party jubilation of '08, when he got in? You'd have thought we'd just won WWIII.

    Hope & Change worked out real well for Baltimore and St. Louis. And all the rest.
