Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Put Some Lights on The House

"So what do you do, when you go to the big city, so-called 'LSP'?" I hear you asking, with an edge in your voice. Good question, and I'll tell you.

These days, I mostly put up Christmas lights. That means clambering about on the porch roof to get the wreath in position.

Ground level is easier. Just put the lights on the hedge. Simple, and I think they look good. But that's just me.

Have fun getting your place ready for Christmas.

God bless,



  1. It looks lovely, LSP. Thanks for reminding me I need to replace my dead hanging plant in the front with my wreath. We've had a few wind storms, so I put it off.

    Here's something for you to read.

    It mentions some problems with the Episcopal church and compares it to some things that are going on with us Catholics.

    I thought it was quite well written, even though it really didn't tell me anything I didn't all ready know.

  2. That's very festive. Did you also decorate the compound?

  3. Thanks, Adrienne. I'll have a gaze at the link!

    I hope/pray the CC weathers the storm better than Western Anglicanism...

  4. The Compound gets some festive cards, LL, but that's all. Which is fine -- I'm not there over Christmas. So.

  5. Excellent article, Adrienne -- nothing we don't already know, it's true, but still, worth repeating -- again and again.

  6. Looks good and festive. That's the way to invite the Light into the lives of others.

  7. Thanks, Euripides. Nicely put.

  8. 204's looking festive and bright! Well done.
