Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas, The Aftermath

Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, some other vegetables, I'm not sure what they were, gravy and fun company. Presents, too and a good day was had by all.

I hope you've had a blessed and merry Christmas.

Be good,



  1. The labels on this post are especially amusing. :)
    Glad y'all had fun!

  2. Sorry -- I've become a "tag blogger"...

  3. Sounds like you had a great Christmas! No turdurken this year, as SIL couldn't find the So, We had a turkey stuffed with Cajun rice, a chicken, and homemade sausage... Yummy!

  4. Is that the table cloth before or after? Ours wasn't so pristine when the turkey and trimmings were sent away and I called for my port and cigar.

  5. Remarkably unscathed, Padre.

    Port, cigar? More, please.

  6. We had a great time with some steaks that I threw on the grill. It sounds like you had a great day.

  7. Nice! A good day was had by all.

  8. Lovely Battenburg tablecloth. I had some really nice Battenburg placemats that I sent to the thrift store because I got tired of ironing them. Soooo, the question is: who irons your tablecloth? Inquiring minds want to know.

    Glad your day was wonderful and relaxing.

    Since we're still snowed in, it was a very quiet day.

    Off to call the snow plow guy.

    Happy St. Stephens Day and Boxing Day.

  9. Thought you'd like that -- it all belongs to Ma LSP and I'm not sure how she handles the tablecloth ironing operation. I know she sends some of them out...

    Good luck with the snow plowers!
