Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Veterans Day Prayer

O Lord, we give You thanks for our veterans, for their willingness to risk all so that our nation might dwell in peace and safety. May they receive the honor and recognition they deserve. We pray for those who suffer from physical, spiritual, and psychological wounds, that they might know Your healing presence. We pray for our nation, that it may treasure the freedoms which have been won through the sacrifices and courage of those who have given themselves for the protection of others. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.



  1. A veteran myself, I thank you for the opportunity to pray for my brethren, and for my country. I rarely comment here, as I usually read from work, and it would be inappropriate to do there. I am puzzled that, despite the concerted efforts of "progressives" since the days of President Wilson to destroy this nation, that there are still a few islands of sanity. May God grant that you and yours prosper, and that there should be more such islands.

  2. Thank you for commenting and I'm glad the prayer's helpful. God bless you too! As for the "progs" -- they will have their reward.

  3. Some gave something, many gave everything. Greater love hath no man than this...

  4. Praying for your Grandson, Brighid.
