Friday, November 13, 2015

Oh, The Right Did It

Look how quickly the shariasymp left blames the Jihad Paris massacre on the nascent, or burgeoning right-wing movement in Europe. 

If only right-wing nationalists hadn't engaged in "incendiary rhetoric," none of this would have happened.

Excuse me, I thought it was Muslims.



  1. Might be time to revive the #jesuischarlesmartel.

  2. It's a Muslim problem and it's an immigration problem.

    Barack clearly won't point the finger at Islam. I'm sure that in England there will be more outreach as C of E churches are converted to mosques.

  3. This is sickening. I hope the lefties wake up now.
    --bread and bullets

  4. And that's the least of it, Mattexian.

  5. I'd imagine the CofE will go into overdrive in their church to mosque project, LL.

  6. Me too, Anonymous, but I doubt they will until a lot more people die, and maybe not even then.

  7. Shortly after this started, I wandered over to Huffington Post to see what the libtards were saying. Now I know I shouldn't ever be shocked by what these scum suckers say - but I was. It seems it's all our (USA) fault for picking on the poor Syrians and others. Like our poor college students, they were just striking back because we didn't give them the right food or shelter - or something.

    I had to exit post haste lest my blood pressure cause my head to explode, and to quell the feelings of rage bubbling up through my midsection threatening another explosion.

    And, guess what? Just yesterday 10K Syrians, mostly young men, were just dumped in New Orleans to be dispersed across the country. Are we completely mad (as in insane)?

  8. Adrienne, so long as we make sure they're all happily employed, we needn't worry about terrorism... only workplace violence.

  9. If you want to know who your masters are, see who you cannot criticize.

    Our masters are Muslims.

  10. But what about The Weather, Jenny?

  11. The thing about Islam, Infidel, is that it's a lot like Buddhism, only way more peaceful.
