Sunday, November 22, 2015

How Did ISIS Get So Big?

Surely this didn't have anything to do with it:

"You went 12 full months while ISIS was on the march without the U.S. using that air power and now as the pilots come back to talk to us they say three-quarters of our ordnance we can’t drop, we can’t get clearance even when we have a clear target in front of us,” Royce said. “I don’t understand this strategy at all because this is what has allowed ISIS the advantage and ability to recruit.”

Surely we haven't been fighting some kind of phony war on the white running shoe head choppers? I mean, that'd be ridiculous, right?



  1. But why would we want to bomb the Religion of Peace?

  2. We pulled out of Iraq completely because of Obama's fecklessness and then we ignored the place and allowed ISIS to form and grow, partly as a result of the Sunni response to Iran moving into Iraq and taking over.

    It's a solid goat rope with Barack-the-First managing it.

  3. But will the God King Barack be succeeded by the Witch Empress Hillary?

  4. And will the Witch Queen be forced to rule her four year term from behind bars - or will she "pardon herself"?

  5. Ever prisoner enjoys a Humma Wiener now and again.

  6. Who is buying all the black market oil that ISIS are producing?

  7. Nothing like a good Huma to brighten up the day, LL.

  8. Surely Rurkey wouldn't have anything to do with it, Anonymous...
