Saturday, October 24, 2015

Real Woman, Fake Woman

One of these famous people is a woman, the other isn't. But which one is which?

The Duchess of Cambridge?

Or Trans Jenner?

You, the reader, be the judge.



  1. Bruce is repulsive, and very, very sad. What a horrible way to end your life.

  2. Well said. I can't add to that.

  3. A sixty-five multi-millionaire fat cat wasn't getting enough attention because his wife/daughters had their own show. In order to get back in the game, he had a bit of surgery and now plays dress-up ---- keeping the courting tackle intact.

  4. Not easy to keep up with the Kardcashians.

  5. Obviously - a sixty-five year old man had to become a woman to keep up.

    It's easy to become a woman these days, or a man. Just change your clothing. It's just as easy to be black with a bit of spray-on tan. Political correctness and "progressiveness" is just a trip to Good Will or the local tanning salon away. That way if people discriminate against you, you can join the grievance culture, asserting that though you were born Chinese and male, you now identify as a Hispanic female. This can go on, of course as it may be important to be a black male as some point (maybe for a run for high public office). Change the tint on the spray-tan and unpack your old clothes (from bay when you were a Chinese man) and you can run with #blacklivesmatter as a black person. It's not like people don't do it all the time these days.

  6. But LL, haven't you heard? Gender is a "construct."

  7. Yes, that's why there are six gender options you can choose from in California on government forms.

  8. One has given birth to a future King of the United Kingdom, the other cannot give birth to anyone but still wants to be treated like Royalty.

    There is an apocryphal story. An Indian Chief allied himself with the British and fought a long and bitter campaign against the new American nation. Finally defeated by superior numbers, the Chief surrendered to the Americans. They wanted to know from the Chief why he had fought so tenaciously for the perfidious British. The Chief replied that it was simple, he would rather have one King five thousand miles away, than five thousand Kings one mile away.

  9. Caitlyn is an inspiration to women everywhere. He/she's standing up to the man and his rapey-rape gender construct culture.

    And like all women, Caitlyn can let wave his penis in the breeze as his way of telling people that is is what he is.

  10. 6 is quite a number. Add two more and what do we get? I'm not saying that California is for sure the home of antichrist, but I'm not saying it isn't, either.

  11. That's a very salutary tale, Anonymous!

  12. So that's a vote for Cait, Infidel?

  13. Even though Bruce is the woman of the year he/she can't "put out" in the same way that the duchess can...nor can he have children. My vote goes to the Duchess of Cambridge.

    As a post script, Bruce has made it clear that even though he's big into dress-up, he's a lesbian. Which makes him a double protected class. If he had a dark spray on tan, he could increase the protection of the liberals to three categories. And when you look at the preference of the Kardashian women, it would be supportable for him to do that.
