Thursday, October 1, 2015

Hello Rainbow Clowns, Meet Russia

Russia's intervened in Syria, to bolster Assad and protect its interests. This is America's response, in the words of US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter:

…it’s important to see if we can get the Russians in a position where they are coming to understand the contradiction in the position they now have and the possibility that by seeing a political transition and defeating extremism is something you have to pursue in parallel to succeed in Syria, maybe they could make a constructive contribution. But they’re not on the path to doing that in the way they do — they are acting now.

Got that? Neither do I. Not to be outdone, John Kerry recommended this, at the UN:

military-to-military de-confliction discussion, meeting, conference, whichever … and several options were agreed to be further discussed…we also agreed that it is imperative to find a solution to this conflict… even as we don’t yet have a resolution with respect to some critical choices in that political solution, we think we have some very specific steps that may be able to help lead in the right direction. That needs to be properly explored… And so, we finally agreed we have a lot of work to do.

Russia then proceeded to do this:

You can read some quick analysis here and here, and while you're at it, ask yourself if the most powerful country in the world is being led by a circus crew of rainbow clowns.



  1. Neville (Peace-in-our-Time) Chamberlain, reborn.

  2. And this is a perfect example of why people are drawn to Trump. Who talks like these bozos?? Is that their attempt to look intelligent? A truly intelligent person, who really knows their subject, can explain things in simple straightforward terms.

  3. It's like that, LL. But don't you think this crew makes Chamberlain look like a great statesman, which he wasn't...

  4. Well said, Adrienne. What a gang of clowns. Part of the problem is "libspeak," which makes even the most educated people sound really stupid. They also have the difficult task of justifying their unjustifiable non-strategy of mendacity, fraud and deceit.

    In the meanwhile, ISIS laughs, but maybe not at Russia.

  5. If America's citizens pray effectively, no one will send F-35s to the Confrontation Zone.

  6. Prayer is certainly needed, Anonymous.

  7. Kerry's quite the wordsmith, Infidel!
