Tuesday, August 18, 2015

You Sick Satanic Killers

I know, I know, the news travels pretty fast these days, but perhaps you remember all those videos of Planned Parenthood's, ahem, doctors, talking about selling baby parts to biotech firms? 

You know, the same story that was buried by the media and prompted a move to defund the federally subsidized abortion mills? The same legislation that was defeated in the Senate?

Guess what, all but one of the Senators that voted against giving the baby parts vendor almost $2 million a day in taxpayer money were in the pay of, stunned amazement, Planned Parenthood. 

Here's the list, via Infowars:

Senatorial Campaign Contributions from Planned Parenthood Action Fund

(Dated: 1998-June 2015)

Murray(D-WA) – $29,282
Shaheen (D-NH) – $26,000
Boxer (D-CA) – $25,702
Udall (D-NM) – $22,500
Schumer (D-NY) – $20,985
Peters (D-MI) – $20,926
Gillibrand (D-NY) – $19,825
Merkley (D-OR) – $19,762
Stabenow (D-MI) – $19,035
Franken (D-MN) – $19,000
Kirk (R-IL) – $18,000
Baldwin (D-WI) – $16,000
Markey (D-MA) – $15,535
Menendez (D-NJ) – $15,016
Tester (D-MT) – $15,000
Brown (D-OH) – $14,380
Carper (D-DE) – $14,000
Durbin (D-IL) – $14,000
Mikulski (D-MD) – $12,035
Coons (D-DE) – $11,610
Nelson (D-FL) – $11,000
Reed (D-RI) – $10,500
Cantwell (D-WA) – $10,000
Feinstein (D-CA) – $10,000
Heinrich (D-NM) – $10,000
Wyden (D-OR) – $9,535
Warner (D-VA) – $9,000
McCaskill (D-MO) – $8,803
Blumenthal (D-CT) – $8,740
Cardin (D-MD) – $8,535
Hirono (D-HI) – $8,500
Murphy (D-CT) $7,911
Schatz (D-HI) – $7,500
Klobuchar (D-MN) – $7,000
Whitehouse (D-RI) – $7,000
Sanders (I-VT) – $6,535
Booker (D-NJ) – $6,000
Casey (D-PA) – $5,000
Bennet (D-CO) – $4,750
Warren (D-MA) – $3,500
Leahy (D-VT)- $2,500
Heitkamp (D-ND) – $2,396
Kaine (D-VA) – $845
Reid (D-NV) – $824

Planned Parenthood Votes’ Expenditures in Support of Senators or in Opposition to Their Opponents:

(Dated 2012-2013)


Baldwin (D-WI) – $144,058 (2012)
Kaine (D-VA) – $114,615 (2012)
Markey (D-MA) – $62,818 (2013)
Tester (D-MT) – $55,165 (2012)
Brown (D-OH) – $52,003 (2012)
McCaskill (D-MO) – $32,520 (2012)
Murphy (D-CT) – $31,057 (2012)


Rehberg (Tester (D-MT)) – $351,996 (2012)
Allen (Kaine (D-VA)) – $113,176 (2012)
Akin (McCaskill (D-MO) – $67,316 (2012)
Thompson (Baldwin (D-WI)) – $49,807 (2012)

And let's not forget, Planned Parenthood apparently spent $12 million towards re-electing  President Obama the last time around.

Planned Parenthood, which was founded by the eugenicist racist, Margaret Sanger, is a non-profit. 

Maybe that's why its President, Cecile Richards, makes $590,928  a year.

Your Pal,



  1. Satans imps at work for sure. And they come with cash in hand.

  2. It's called money laundering. Dems give a whole bunch of money to PP. PP uses it to get Obama and friends elected. So, in reality, the tax payers funded a large part of Obama's campaign since PP is not the only company to get $$.

    As to Ms Richard's salary? You're a few years behind. It is now close to 600K

    The salary figures were taken from official IRS forms 990. The report shows that the average annual salary for an affiliate PP CEO is $186,071, with 87 percent of them making over $100,000, 37 percent making over $200,000, and 13 percent making over $300,000.

    Meanwhile, PPFA’s CEO, Cecile Richards, reported making $590,928 annually.

  3. Enthusiastically supported by the Temple of Satan, LL.

  4. Thanks, Adrienne. I've updated the figure.

  5. If George Soros is any sort of measure of how Satan's minions are compensated, there is no end to money. However the retirement plan is not much to brag on.

  6. People also need to question why PP needs federal funds when they are capable of paying Richards 590K in salary.

    The truth is that the majority of people in this country have no idea that PP main function is abortion. They have some rosy picture of poor women getting mammograms, which PP doesn't even do. Women's health, indeed!

    They claim also to do breast exams by the hundreds of thousands. Without going and getting the exact figures, I can still tell you that the number of breast exams is almost exactly the same as number of abortions. Having done medical coding, I can also tell you that they are simply checking the box for breast exams for every woman having an abortion.

  7. I had no idea that people didn't know PP was in the abortion industry, until I read it the other day, somewhere. It's like Germans being ignorant of concentration camps in the 1940s.

    I guess their "healthcare" marketing worked.

  8. The truth is that there are a gazillion places for women to get free or low cost health care.

    Besides, as Carly Fiorina said, "Isn't that what Obamacare is for?"

  9. From this side of the pond what is really scary is the media. We will get stories reported in the UK about two men kissing in a swimming pool:


    But not a single UK or European media outlet has even reported the Planned Parenthood videos until just before midnight last night (19/08/2015):


    "Control the medium, control the message", Dr Goebbels would be proud.

  10. I'm not surprised, the story's been pretty much blacked out by the MSM here, too. And no wonder, abortion has an almost creedal status with the power that controls the media.

    But hey, it's just "tissue," right? So why not put it to use; soap, lampshades, food, and think of all the medical benefits, to say nothing of profit. Lots of profit.

    Come back, Dr. Mengele, all is forgiven.
