Saturday, August 29, 2015

Horse And Gun

Riding is good for mind, body and spirit, it's fun, too, provided you don't fall off the horse and smash yourself to pieces. With that in mind, I went for a ride yesterday on a new horse. 

She's an Arabian mare called Wendy, who had been in very bad shape when she was bought for the vast sum of $300. She looks fine now, but what was she like to ride? After getting a cup of coffee at Big Willy's, I went to find out.

First off, she was gentle and well behaved, at least to humans, maybe not so much with her horse pals. She was also responsive and easy to ride, even for a rusty horseman like myself. We walked, trotted and cantered and I thought, "I like this horse!" 

No crazy bucking, head tossing, snaking, ducking and diving, just riding, with plenty of power held in reserve. She'd be fun to gallop and run, and I'll try that later. It turns out she's had good training, though that wasn't known when she was bought. Long story short, I've ridden horses that were orders of magnitude more expensive and much less good.

After horsing around I went for a shoot, and that was alright too, though my groups weren't much to write home about. Whatever, it's all rounds down range.

Stay on the horse and keep squeezing the trigger,



  1. The compound clearly needs a stable with mounts (and re-mounts). I guess the first thing that we need to do is buy a compound...

  2. No back cinch, or wrapped for rop'n horn, and ridi'n Arabs... what is the world coming too?

  3. I know. Please excuse the eccentric tack...

  4. Sounds like a good day! Solid fun.

  5. good for you, and the horse! Price does not make a good horse. My higher-priced, well-bred horse was a nightmare. My cheap, standardbred mare is a much better riding horse.
    and any day spent shooting a little is a good day.

  6. Shooting and riding, up there with the best of things, especially if the horse is good.

    Sorry about the high priced nightmare...
