Monday, August 10, 2015

CHL Texas

It took a couple of months to process, but my CHL came through the other day. This has encouraged me to get another pistol, a Gen 4 Glock 21.


One security systems consultant commented, "Texans should be afraid, very afraid." Well, maybe, but only in Austin, and they're mostly not Texans anyway.

A Glock 21

What is it they say"The right to self-defense and to the means of defending oneself is a basic natural right that grows out of the right to life."

Gun Rights,



  1. Good choice in handguns. Now check out the Lone Wolf Barrels...

  2. Congratulations to you, also. I think I set a record for a person not coming from law enforcement in getting my CHL. It took less than three weeks from my application to receive mine.

    That is a nice pistol. I have a G23 which is nice. I wanted something similar to what I would have if I was still active duty military.

    Lone Wolf Barrels....? I will need to check that out too.

  3. I think they're inundated with applications, BillB, so it takes a while. But I'm just guessing.

    My Beretta is fine, but I'd like something a bit smoother shooting and the Glock 21 seems right.

    Back in the ancient days, we were issued with Browning High Powers -- I'm glad to say my pistol shooting's improved since then...
