Thursday, June 4, 2015

Big Gay, Big State

"If you want a vision of the future Winston, imagine a rainbow wellie boot stamping on a human face forever."

Do you think there's a correlation between Big Gay and the Big State? This is what Brendan O'Neill, Editor of Spiked, has to say:

This goes some way to explaining why every single wing of the Irish state supported gay marriage, from the police, who proudly waved the rainbow flag, to all the political parties, the public sector, the health establishment and the cultural establishment. It’s because they recognise, at a gut level, that unlike pretty much every other demand for liberty or equality in modern times, the campaign for gay marriage does nothing to threaten their authority — on the contrary, it extends it, in a way that the most authoritarian among them could only have dreamt of.

You can read the whole thing here.



  1. I don't understand anything particularly empowering about having a penis shoved into your rectum. Then again, I'm not homosexual. I'm sure that it's well beyond my capacity to appreciate the subtle nuances.

  2. Be careful, LL. It'll soon be mandated by the State...

  3. I'll move to Saudi Arabia...

  4. Considering the gay community is only perhaps at most 1% of the population, they sure do get their way on things, don't they? Gotta hand it to the homos, they know how to wield political power. Maybe we should take notes.

    1. Actually around 10% of all humans are Homosexual, and another 5% are Bisexual to a degree.
      Either way, you know who really is 1% of all humans? The British. You know who else? The Germans. You wouldn't say they are an "at most" irrelevance in the world would you?

  5. I wonder how blacks feels about the whole "LGBT is the next civil rights movement" thing.

    So when did you first realize you were black?

    When did you tell your parents you were black?

    What was their reaction?

  6. The Magic Kingdom might have its uses after all, LL...

  7. Strange how such a tiny minority can dictate the morals of a nation(s), Fredd.

  8. You're such a hater, Infidel.
