Tuesday, May 19, 2015

You Sad Loser!

I went to Best Buy today, just to check things out and see what pop-tech was up to. I walked away feeling like a sad loser because:

A) I don't have a phone with a "6" after it's name.

B) My laptop isn't a touchscreen with at least 8 MB of RAM and a 1TB hard drive.

C) I don't own a wireless home-wide sound system that can stream music to any room in my house at the touch of a smartscreen.

Remember, everyone, you must buy moar, much moar, then you'll be happy. Repeat that enough and you never know, it might even come true.

On the other hand, you might decide that God and the demon Mammon are incompatible. The same thing goes for Lamashtu as well, but maybe that's a different story.

Kick out the jams,



  1. God wants you to be happy and one of the keys to happiness is bandwidth...and a machine with a fast enough 'back end' to take full advantage of it.

    However never fear, as soon as you get a smart phone with a "6", there will be a "7"

  2. I see a large Ducati as falling within the "God wants you to be happy" parameter.

    Quickly obsolete gadget tech? Not so much.

  3. God wants us to tame the devils. In order to do that, we must ride them.

    What do you think of the new rear seat set up?

  4. If I get a magic marker and write "6" on my landline phone does that count?

  5. I think it looks good, LL.

  6. Ummmm. Let me think about it...


    Top Tip, Infidel.

  7. I'm perfectly happy with my itty-bitty Tracfone. I've had it two years and have made exactly two phone calls.

    I can get texting for a small extra fee, but I'd cut my thumbs off first.

  8. I'm saving up for a new rear end...

  9. My comment should have read
    "I'm saving up for a new rear seat." which I guess is the same thing...

  10. Save you thumbs, Adrienne!

  11. Saving used to be a virtue, Brighid, but now we're all about debt. I'm not sure how that's going to end well...

  12. I like Infidel's suggestion so much I just took a sharpie to my flip phone. I'm now cool.

    Best Buy has one redeeming quality: on a rainy day you can take two small kids there who are nearly never exposed to screens and they are flabbergasted for long stretches of time in the TV zone. (As am I. There are some really awesome TVs out there...)

  13. It's a good tip, eh?

    I'm always a bit blown away by the TV section, too. The tech's definitely moving on, if not the programming.
