Saturday, May 30, 2015

When the Levee Breaks, Again

This is Dallas yesterday, before today's rain. The City is warning some residents that evacuation may be necessary if the river rises much higher.

I'd think twice before living beneath the levee.

Take care,



  1. I'm not sure where your Dallas home is in relation to the Levee, but I hope that it's far enough away to be safe.

    I suggest that they raise the walls of the levee, but I'm sure that it has occurred to people other than me.

  2. I drove over that precarious mess today in a 26' jittery diesel rental van. I don't particularly recommend that experience, unless you choose a bridge with wider lanes, fewer potholes, and saner drivers.

  3. When the Trinity flooded in the mid '90s, my grandfather lived in Liberty, and my father and I went to help him with moving things up in case his house would flood. We brought along a johnboat, and needed it, as both ends of Grandpa's street were deeply under water, with the National Guard using their high water trucks to evacuate folks stranded. We waded thru waist-deep water, and found the water at the bottom of Grandpa's driveway. Fortunately, the waters had crested, and when we woke the next morning, the water had receded back down the street by a few houses.

    One of the things he muttered about during our night there, was being aggravated at himself for missing the dam not too far upstream, when he was researching a location to move to, as he had picked that home site, when he was assigned as a new plant manager for Pittsburgh-Des Moines steel works, a half-decade before retirement.

  4. The Dallas place is on high ground, LL. Fortunately...

  5. I don't envy that drive, Jenny. Glad you made it safely.

  6. Flooding's no fun, Mattexian, if it's your house...
