Thursday, May 21, 2015

Stephy-the-Hobbit Street Art

Maybe the last so-called "post" was a bit serious for you. After all, it's not nice to come face to face with the mystery of iniquity that is the US Dollar and the Federal Reserve. 

So here's some Stephy-the-Hobbit street art to lighten things up.

It just gets everywhere! 

Will Stephy fill the large wingtips of David "I'm not a bitter and vicious old man" Letterman? 

Or will he quietly sink into the Dead Marshes with Wraith Witch Hillary?

Your mate,



  1. You need to source some of those posters. Let me know where I can buy a few dozen...

  2. I can't find the point of sale on-line but I'm serious. I'll buy a lot of them and put them places.

  3. From what Sabo has said (he was the one who did the Ted Cruz street posters), someone inspired by him did those, so I guess your best bet would to be make your own. Not like it's a copyrighted image (yet).

  4. Hmmmm. We must find the artistic genius who created the street art.
