Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Crying Towel

When I'm feeling pathetically sorry for myself and tempted to snivel into a crying towel, I reflect on the woman I visited in ICU this morning.

That puts things in perspective right away.

God bless,



  1. Before I go farther, that crying towel you displayed is really excellent.

    Moving on, yes, there are hoards of people who are far worse off that I am and you don't have to look far at all to find them.

    There but for the grace of God, go I...

  2. Fantastic crying towel!

    Glad you survived I35 yet again. No small feat. Death traps add perspective as well...

  3. I thought you'd like that crying towel, LL. And for sure, but by the grace of God...

  4. Nothing quite like an, er, good crying towel, Jenny.

    As for I35 -- they drive like maniacs.
