Friday, April 17, 2015

Michelle Obama Gorges, American Children Starve

While First Lady, Michelle Obama, gorges on fried chicken and White House delicacies, American children are being starved by her gulag-style school food menu.

Photos from a Virginia school show what appears to be a small brown bun resting on a piece of fish, with a handful of what may be corn. A concerned parent posted photos of the starvation diet school lunch on social media. Portsmouth Public Schools were quick to defend the food.

“The meal in this photo and other meals served by Portsmouth Public Schools meet nutritional and USDA requirements,” stated a food service coordinator, Jim Gehlhoff.

Children around America have complained at Michelle Obama's healthy school food initiative, posting photos to Twitter of inedible lunches under the hashtag #ThanksMichelleObama.

Is this yet one more example of the maxim that whatever the progleft libs enact or propose, produces the exact opposite of its intended effect? In the meanwhile, American children starve.

Chow down, Michelle.



  1. I don't think that Michelle Obama has ever actually eaten the swill that is fed to the children. AND a good leader should do that - eat what the troops eat.

  2. It's getting a bit pathetic when even Tajik children get better school lunches...

  3. They're quite a wicked power couple. Barack destroying us from the outside in and Michelle taking aim at vulnerable children...
    A starving population is far easier to control with the bullets that they bought with money from our wallets.

    (I'm starting to sound like y'all.)

  4. Nothing quite like spending other people's money. Except, apparently, on food.

  5. What about the Hillary/Michelle ticket for Pres/V Pres? Michelle could stay on the school lunch band wagon for 8 more years...

  6. LL, please don't compound the misery.

  7. If there was another eight years of "Let them eat arugula" Michelle, there would be a generation coming of age who would be extremely angry at her imposition of "healthy" school lunches! (Sounds like another good reason for the Dems to continue their disarmament of the peasantry. )

  8. We need to Kale both Hill & Moochelle.

  9. Nothing says "brown bag" like a Michelle Obama school lunch.

    Is the adjective, "brown bag" racist? You all don't think I'm calling the Wookie a "brown bag" do you?

  10. I thought the bread and fish rather biblical Pafdre....still

  11. I hadn't thought of the connection between school lunches and gun control, Mattexian. But it makes sense.

    Starve the peasants, take away their guns.

  12. I think you're right, Brighid. We need to Kale them.

  13. I don't think you're being racist, LL. Just realistic.

  14. Don't get me wrong, Lukeya. I'm all for bread and fish, as was Our Lord.

    Maybe that makes the lunch in question some sort of blasphemous parody?

    Their iniquity knows no bounds.
