Thursday, April 9, 2015

Gun Rights, Don't Retreat.

Libs think that you're safer if you're disarmed. Or to put it another way, if you can't defend yourself, you won't get hurt. That's why they want to ban guns and give them all to the Government, which will protect you. History argues otherwise, and so does Texas. 

"In Texas if a person is present in any place where they have a right to be, they have no duty to retreat and have the right to use force, including deadly force, if they reasonably believe that it is necessary to prevent death or serious bodily injury to themselves or to prevent the commission of murder, aggravated kidnapping, sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault, robbery or aggravated robbery."

No duty to retreat. I like that.

Gun rights,



  1. It's the marrow of American common law.

  2. Liberals think lots of things. And all of them are nuts and plain wrong.

    Most liberals believe the world will be destroyed by global warming.

    I still don't follow their logic about how taking guns away from people makes them safer. It certainly makes things safer for the criminals, no argument there. Who's side are these pinkos on, anyway?

  3. I can't argue with that, LL.

  4. Good question, Fredd. They seem to be on the side of fanatical Moslems, perversely.

    And I think it's a maxim: whatever the Libs propose/enact has the exact opposite of its intended effect.

    Banning firearms is a case in point, but pick anything -- higher taxes makes us richer, global warming makes us colder, "marriage equality" destroys marriage, etc.

    They live in Opposite Land.

  5. Being able to protect yourself can never be thought of as a "crime"...except in "Opposite Land" -- which is the land that Orwell wrote of so eloquently.

    War is Peace
    Freedom is Slavery
    Ignorance is Strength

  6. If Opposite Land is all it's cracked up to be, and ignorance is strength, then the average run of the mill liberal would make Lou Ferigno and Arnie Schwartenegger in their prime look like 98 pound weaklings. In Opposite Land, that is.

  7. There are lots of quotes that the person they are attributed to never spoke, doesn't make the good ones any less valid.
    No Retreat!

  8. I'm sure that if the Japanese had invaded CONUS, they would have found an American behind every blade of grass with their deer rifles, shooting the eyes out of the Japanese soldiers on the march.

  9. Butt Chas, are you sure that the Yamamoto quote isn't valid oral tradtition?

  10. No Retreat! Well said, Brighid!

  11. I think there would have been, LL. And I'm pretty sure Chas would have been one of them!

    In England, today, they'd have to throw rocks, beer bottles and pencils at the invaders.

    Fierce, for sure, but...

  12. More Appleseed training.

  13. I understand it's a really good course/program.

  14. No, it was Gandhi who said "Behind every blade of grass. . ." I read it on the Internet.

    Or wait, maybe it was the Dalai Lama. Or Harry Truman. Or Thomas Jefferson.

    "Wolverines!" I know where that comes from.

  15. Good old Wolverines. I had solid use out of a pair of the boots, btw.

    But speaking of riflemen -- my old regiment, disbanded now, was famous for its stand on Imjin Hill, against the Chinese hordes. They held these back, for a time, with at least one slit trench throwing bottles and rocks against the enemy when their bullets ran out.

    Oral tradition claims that the bottle throwers were ferociously drunk, having exhausted the contents of their improvised missiles.

    I don't know if the internet substantiates that.

    Everyone knows that Yamamoto was quoting Gandhi, via Jefferson.
