Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Easter Holiday!

I thought I'd take a couple of days off in Dallas after Easter. You know, just do nothing, apart from browse the gun shops, idly read Sci-Fi novels, and make the odd foray to the pub. Good plan, eh?

So far this has meant driving to Waco to visit a person in hospital and then, tomorrow, driving to Clifton for a funeral.

Some friends will be hog hunting in Clifton at the very moment I will be at the graveside. I hope they shoot something; we can grill it up later that evening in Dallas, if they do. Failing that, there's always hamburgers.

If you meet the Buddha on the road, shoot it.



  1. You didn't expect to rest on your vacation did you??
    Next time, get on a plane and fly far away! (Or at least tell people you have.)

  2. Your calling is essentially 100%. Though Blue Sniper didn't sign up to stay away from the range, did he?

  3. Jenny, I was foolish. I thought I'd have a short break.

    I like the idea of a plane ride... maybe to New Zealand. Or Rhodesia. Oh, sorry, the last one doesn't exist anymore.

  4. Blue Marksman got to ride in the truck. He thought he was going to the range, but he just ended up in Waco.

    100%? It certainly should be -- way of life, not a "job."

  5. New Zealand sounds nice. And due to the length of the flight, prob worth an entire sabbatical. Start prepping your parishes now.

  6. Everything that you say, Jenny, makes very good sense.

  7. Sounds like the cow business, your always on...
    though I'm sure yours is a much higher calling.
    There should be a retreat at Front Sight in your future, blue Dead Eye would be welcome, too.
